Start quiz Lessons 1-4 Click the yellow button below for your first word. Then, select the correct definition for the word at the top of the page. Quiz Yourself: Vocabulary Words Created by Mrs. Corby
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1. astronomy: Next study of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in relation to our Earth why the Earth rotates around the sun a science that deals with the inner earth a constellation in the sky
2. Earth Science: Next any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts a science that studies cells a science that deals with the inner earth any science that studies magnets
3. time: a continuum in which events pass something created by God a movie title only exists on a watch Next
4. lunar: Next having to do with the moon the time between one new moon and the next means love a term meaning crazy
5. lunar month: Next the time between one new moon and the next 30 or 31 days in length how long it takes for a moon to appear in the sky how we measure our birthdays
6. moon: Next any natural satellite of a planet only visible when using a telescope the Earth has four of these something created from a star
7. satellite: Next one object that moves around another object a telescope the sun an object that glows by itself
8. orbit: Next to follow a curved path around a planet or the sun to move in the reverse order to move in the clockwise direction to take a shortcut through the middle
9. waxing: Next growing shrinking disappearing cleaning
10. waning: Next shrinking growing disappearing crying
11. gibbous: Next shape of a hump shape of a crescent shape of a log shape of a circle
12. lunar eclipse: Next when the moon passes into the shadow of the Earth when Earth passes into the shadow of the moon when the Earth orbits the sun when the moon orbits the Earth
13. solar eclipse: Next when Earth passes into the shadow of the moon when the moon passes into the shadow of the Earth when the Earth orbits the sun when the moon orbits the Earth
14. Local noon: Next when the sun is at its highest position in the sky 12:00 noon on a clock when the sun is behind a cloud only occurs in Greenwich, England
15. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): Next World Time; sets the time of day for the world the average time in the world the time of Local noon how the moon phases are measured
16. Daylight savings time: Next when clocks are set one hour ahead of standard time when clocks are set one hour behind of standard time provides one hour less of daylight in the evening never occurs in Wisconsin
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