What is the most popular name for dogs? Coco Pooky Duck Rocky
What is the most popular cat name? Pepper Febie Tigra Lily
What is the name of this dog? Lily Molly Lady Daisy Duck Daisy Duck
What is this dogs name? Patch Max Macki De Layfette Macki De Layfette Bucky
What is a popular bird name? Tweety Chantilly Cisco Pete
What is the most popular sport in the U.S? College Football College Football NFL Football NFL Football High School Football High School Football Fantasy Football Fantasy Football
What is my favorite NFL team? Bears 49ers Steelers Chargers
What is my favorite college football team? Notre Dame Notre Dame Auburn Tigers Auburn Tigers Troy Trojans Troy Trojans Butler Bulldogs Butler Bulldogs
What is a football made of? Cow hide Cow hide Pleather Leather Pig skin Pig skin
How many points is a safety?
What is my favorite foreign band? DBSK Chi Ming Chi Ming JKYT German Man German Man
What is my favorite rock band? All American Rejects All American Rejects Green Day Green Day Ashley Parker Angel Ashley Parker Angel Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy
What is my favorite instrument? Drums Clarinet Lead Guitar Lead Guitar Bass Guitar Bass Guitar
What is my favorite R&B band? Usher Nelly Ciara Destiny's Child Destiny's Child
What is my favorite country singer? Trace Atkens Trace Atkens Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Dixie Chicks Dixie Chicks Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney
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