Twitter, Web Comics, and Other Magical Sites Diana Maliszewski Manitoba Libraries Conference 2012
What tricks do you already know? Open the envelope Sort the items into 4 categories based on familiarity: I have no clue what this is & never heard of it I have heard of this but never used it I have used this a few times I have used this a lot Choose one you want to learn about the most
Abracadabra - Twitter - micro-blogging character limit - use for personal, self-directed PD - use for library / school event promotion - student book reviews, summaries, etc.
Twitter example
Hocus Pocus - Bitstrips - comic creation tool - saves “in the cloud” - moderated environment - can be tied to any subject or project
Bitstrips example
Bitstrips video
Alakazam - Prezi -online alternative to Powerpoint - non-linear layout, collaborative - uses both for process and product - can be downloaded for offline use
Prezi example 6x6 ways in 60 seconds to use Prezi for student learning
Razzamataz - Glogster - multimedia posters - samples online - easy to share
Glogster example
Open Sesame - Audacity -digital recording software - can make podcasts, audio journals, - rehearse speeches
Audacity example Speaker’s Corner Media Assignment by Joyce Definition of Media for Primary Students
Presto Changeo - Voki - interactive avatar - multiple methods for recording - variety of characters to use
Voki example
Expeliarmus - Pivot - stick figure animation tool - easy to use (even kindies) - can explore any theme/topic
Pivot example
Lumos - Wordle - word cloud - great for title pages, analysis
Wordle example
Expecto Patronum - Popplet - similar to Pinterest - another presentation option - in Beta right now, for ages combines visuals, text, etc.
Popplet example
Levioso – PB Works -collaborative work space -no need for student accounts to use - accessible at home, Mac or PC - sky’s the limit for topics
PB Works (Wiki) example
More wiki examples
Even more wiki examples
When the magic won’t work At the 3:50 mark, the show begins At the 4:42 mark, we can relate! Contact Diana via or her wiki –