That is the question To Second Life or Not to Second Life
Second Life was launched in 2003 by Linden Labs ASD EdTech Island Small meeting space ASD EdTech Island Small meeting space
So what can you do in Second Life? Anything that the users can imagine
1.5 Million log-ons to Second Life (SL) in the last 60 Days Unique Economy (Linden$) Lindens have an exchange rate with US$ People sell things in SL for Lindens Some even sell to make Real Life (RL) $ Aerial view of ASD Ed Tech Island -
New Media Center includes sims of Morocco, the Sistine Chapel and the Human Genome Project. Education
Socializing, Dancing, Entertainment, Art, Role Playing, Landscaping, Building …..
So, how can SL be used for professional development for the ASD Librarians?
ASD Ed Tech Island, Librarians House, Small Group Conversation Area
Some of the down sides
Technical Concerns ASD Ed Tech Island underwater presentation area
Just as with the web, content being offered has to be evaluated Who is teaching a training or moderating a discussion can be hard to determine Assessment of learning needs to be carefully built in Just as with the web, content being offered has to be evaluated Who is teaching a training or moderating a discussion can be hard to determine Assessment of learning needs to be carefully built in
So, will I continue to pursue SL as a possible venue for PD in ASD Library World?
What needs to happen to make it work? Skills training needs to be front loaded - otherwise you lose students to frustration Instructors need to change their paradigm - business as usual will not take advantage of the power of SL Acknowledge that this venue is not going to be for everyone BUT THE POSSIBILITIES ARE AMAZING!!! Skills training needs to be front loaded - otherwise you lose students to frustration Instructors need to change their paradigm - business as usual will not take advantage of the power of SL Acknowledge that this venue is not going to be for everyone BUT THE POSSIBILITIES ARE AMAZING!!!
Second Life Education New Zealand, Ben Salt, Dr., Clare Atkins Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology, and Leigh Blackall Otago Plytechnic. Engaging with Second Life: Real Education in a Virtual World - Literature Reveiw. Second Life Education New Zealand, Second Life Education in New Zealand. 26 Feb < slenz-literature-review/>. Tapely, Rebecca. Designing Your Second Life. New Riders Press: New York, 2007 Wegner, Mary. Interview. February 19, White, Brian. Second Life: A guide to your virtual world. Que: Indianapolis, 2007 Second Life Education New Zealand, Ben Salt, Dr., Clare Atkins Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology, and Leigh Blackall Otago Plytechnic. Engaging with Second Life: Real Education in a Virtual World - Literature Reveiw. Second Life Education New Zealand, Second Life Education in New Zealand. 26 Feb < slenz-literature-review/>. Tapely, Rebecca. Designing Your Second Life. New Riders Press: New York, 2007 Wegner, Mary. Interview. February 19, White, Brian. Second Life: A guide to your virtual world. Que: Indianapolis, 2007
Ann Morgester AkLA Conference Anchorage, Alaska March 5, 2010 Ann Morgester AkLA Conference Anchorage, Alaska March 5, 2010