By Josh Baker and Stephen Corbin
S.B. * Definition-A type of an animal that filters the water it lives in to get food. * Body system- No body systems or symmetry. * Reproduction- They have asexual reproduction and they grow from parents sponge. * Food- They get there food from the water and move it from cell to cell. * Habitat- They live in shallow waters and attach themselves to hard surfaces. * Predators-There predators are Sea turtle * s, fish, shrimp, and freshwater sponges. * Adaptations- Scientists know about 5000 * specifies of sponges.
S.B. * Definition: an animal that has a jointed exoskeleton and jointed limbs. * Body Systems: Two openings, legs, brain, and circulatory system. * Reproduction: Lays eggs,Sexually. * Food: They have legs around their head using them to capture and carry their pray to the mouth. * Habitat: Almost anywhere on Earth. * Predators: * Adaptions: They have claws that help them survive because they can use it to defend themselves. As they grow they grow another skeleton to fit their body.
S.B. * Definition-An animal such as a planarian that has a body a digestive system with one opening and a simple nervous system. * Body system-Has a special type of skeleton. * Reproduction-By mating and laying eggs and also asexual. * Food- They live in another animal and feeding on animals. * Habitat- They live on land and water * Predators- Small fish * Adaptations- When something grows off it can regenerate.
S.B. * Definition- an animal such as earth earthworms whose body is made up of connected sections, or segments. * Body system-Five enlarged tubes act as hearts. The tubes pump blood through the major vessels of the worms body. These major vessels branch into smaller vessels. * Reproduction- Sexual, After worms mate, both partners lay eggs and produce a slimy covering that forms a cocoon protecting the eggs fertilizing eggs develop and soon worms hatch from them. * Food-They eat through their mouths. They dig in the soil and eat nutrients. * Habitat- Underground, where there is good dirt. * Predators- * Adaptations-They have five tubes connected to their heart.