How are the burgers made? Are there any major backlash to making burgers everyday?
The beef obviously comes from cows, but how? ◦ The cows are cultivated on a farm ◦ Then shipped to a slaughter house ◦ They are then packaged and shipped to the ending location. Where it is eventually eaten.
To ensure that the beef is supple and tender the farmers cultivate their live- stock with corn. ◦ Almost everything has some form of corn in it ◦ How much can this cost a local farmer?
The dining hall burgers are hand made ◦ They are then cooked on a grill with vegetable oil.
Resource ConsumptionBeef-Less Thursday The beef used at UCLA probably has a high residual effect. It takes plenty of resources to properly cultivate the beef. Because of this UCLA is looking into alternative means to feed its students.
A typical meal is extremely unhealthy and immensely impactful. My meal has no one specific origin. Over half of it is processed, and all of it is shipped.