Phase Three:
Human nature always resists changes. He who innovates will have for his enemies those who are well off under the existing order of things and only luke-warm supporters from those who might be better off under the new. He who innovates will have for his enemies those who are well off under the existing order of things and only luke-warm supporters from those who might be better off under the new.
Dont try to fix things until the support for the fix is in place. Its like scratching people where they dont itch. Its like scratching people where they dont itch. Its like trying to sell them something they dont want. Its like trying to sell them something they dont want.
Reasons people resist change! 1. Fear – the unknown is a threat to their comfort zone. 1. Fear – the unknown is a threat to their comfort zone. 2. Insecurity – they may be worse off than before. 2. Insecurity – they may be worse off than before.
3. Power – they may lose power in the shuffle. 3. Power – they may lose power in the shuffle. 4. Inertia – its easier to maintain the status quo. 4. Inertia – its easier to maintain the status quo. 5. Energy – it takes a lot of work to change things. 5. Energy – it takes a lot of work to change things.
When we present change to a group Everyones reactions are publicly registered. Once we have gone on record, we lose face if we change our original reaction.
When people become involved in the problem, they become committed to coming up with solutions. Personal investment is the key to implementing change and increasing commitment.
Every person involved will have their opinions about solving the problem. But we wont gain their insights, if we dont ask their advice.
Everyone is somewhere on the change curve 1. YES – these are the inventors and innovators. 1. YES – these are the inventors and innovators. 2. Im willing to be convinced – these are the early adopters. 2. Im willing to be convinced – these are the early adopters.
3. Ill do a gradual buy-in – these are the early majority. 3. Ill do a gradual buy-in – these are the early majority. 4. Im somewhat reluctant – these are the late bloomers. 4. Im somewhat reluctant – these are the late bloomers. 5. Over my dead body – these are the hold-outs. 5. Over my dead body – these are the hold-outs.
Identify each group and work with them accordingly. Identify each group and work with them accordingly. Take the time necessary to build a consensus. Take the time necessary to build a consensus. Dont allow a few hold- outs to paralyze us. Dont allow a few hold- outs to paralyze us.