Welcome To Gu-ting Elementary School
School Information Staff : 37 Classes : 19 Students : Each class has 23 to 28 students. English Classroom : 1 English Teacher : 3 (1 homeroom and 1 substitute)
Features of our school Music club Volleyball Yu-san Library
School English Activities Weekly English Every Tuesday morning, two students role play the dialogue to lead other students to learn, or teacher teaches an English song. English Week Christmas celebration activities, drama or song and dance.
Location Only 10 minutes from Yilan Train Station to Gu-ting by scooter
LET Information Gloria Guo Ten years of English teaching experience. I will teach 4, 5, 6 graders this semester. I’m Kim, nine years old. I eat and sleep and play all day long…
My teaching philosophy Make it easy, Make them happy.
English Classroom pictute books CDs DVDs computer screen & projector
My co-teacher : Katrina Festival Teaching Using games and songs and dancing to teach kids. Gloria Katrina
Story-telling Tour “Tanka,Tanka,Skunka ” Josh was teaching them animal vocabs and using drum to teach syllable. My co-teacher : Josh Write to Josh Students wrote letters to Josh and he was writing back.
My co-teacher : Virginia Advanced Class Students learn English by seeing a movie and playing games during nap time (once a week). Movie ‘Nemo”Baseball Game
My co-teacher : Maria Story telling Reader Theater Competition and Celebration Party Maria Gloria
My co-teacher : Ari Ari and our school Dancing classAri’s sister
My co-teacher : Margaux Margaux Gloria Baking cookies…
Teach what you are good at! Enrich our English teaching! Welcome to join us!