FLORA of Red Rocks Trail
Cabbage-like Plant Mullein – an easy to grow herb, often seen in disturbed areas such as fields. A multi-purpose herb, mullein offers many healing abilities from its flowers, leaves and root. Good for coughs and colds, as well as balms. (Jeanroy, n.d.) Verbascum: Genus of about 250 species of flowering plants. Native to Europe.
Red Berries Three-leaf Sumac - Small yellowish flowers bloom in the spring, which then turn into small red berries. As this fruit ripens and falls to the ground in the summer, birds gather beneath the bush to feed on them. Native in the Western United States with orange-red fall foliage (High Country Gardens, n.d.) Genus: rhus. The species is trilobata, thus known as rhus trilobata or, more informally, three-leaf sumac.
Yukka-Type Plant Yukka Glauca - Soapweed Yucca is a member of the agave family (family Agavaceae). Agaves are stout with woody stems or stem- bases, often tall, even tree-like. They have long and narrow leaves. A stout rapidly growing flower stalk arises from the rosette. They grow where it is arid. About 20 genera and 700 species. Many provide fiber, such as sissal hemp (Native Plant Database, n.d.).
Purple Flowers Woods’ Rose - Fruits of Woods’ rose are a good source of energy and protein and are eaten by many animals, including squirrels, deer, coyotes, and bears. Thickets formed by Woods’ rose provide nesting and escape cover for many birds and small mammals. Genus – rosa l. (rose); species, Rosa Wodsii Lindl. Woods’ Rose (Plants database, n.d.)
Red Bud Flower Gaillardia - Commonly known as blanket flowers. Also known for a very long season of bloom. Have low mound of green leaves with long stem and distinct flower. Attractive to butterflies. Drought tolerant once established (New perennial hosting club. n.d.) Genus Gaillardia Foug. – blanketflower P Species Gaillardia pulchella Foug. – firewheel (Plants database, July 19, 2010).Gaillardia Foug. PGaillardia pulchella Foug.
White Flower Mariposa Lily or White Lily – Sweet seeds from this plant were eaten raw, boiled, baked or roasted in ashes and eaten by many Californian tribes. Bulbs were rubbed across open-twined baskets to remove the outer skin (USDA, National Plant Data Center, n.d.) Genus: Calochortus Pursh; Species: (common name) butterly mariposa lily (Plants database, n.d.)
Yellow Petalled Flower Foothills Arnica or Sunflower? - For the amateur botanist who loves to hike, this one was a toss-up when researched on the web. Sunflowers, according to the specialists, grow in dense groups, leading to the conclusion this is an arnica. Even a couple of local naturalists were not certain of this photograph. Feel free to add your opinions.