GIS IN GEOLOGY Miloš Marjanović Lesson
Introduction 1. Organization 2. Themes & scope 3. Introduction chat
Introduction 1. Organization syllabus: Lectures As scheduled, variable in length, held in English, except for the guest speaker lessons Exercises Of-the-schedule, after we elaborate certain topics only, held in English, will require usage of ArcGIS software Examination Scheduled on the agreement, given and performed in English, will include test/written exercise which will require usage of ArcGIS software, weights 6 points, pre-examination NOT required
Introduction 1. Organization syllabus: Communication consultations on the agreement, office 2.14 web page Materials and resources Delivered through communication, will include raster and vector datasets from various case studies from Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic… Books:GIS for Geoscientists: modeling with GIS, G. Bonham-Carter Fundamentals of Geological and Environmental RS, R. Vincent Subsurface geotechnical modeling - PhD thesis, B. Orlić
Introduction 2. Themes: Geological modeling in general, Geological mapping, Mineral exploration, Groundwater exploration, Engineering Geology application, Geophysics, Applied Remote Sensing Introduction 7.10.Principles of Geological modeling with GIS 4.10.GIS in Geological mapping GIS in landlside assessment BANK HOLIDAY 4.11.GIS in landslide assessment GIS in Mineral exploration GIS in Geophysics GUEST SPEAKER 2.12.? GIS in Groundwater exploration 9.12.? GIS in Geological Remote Sensing PRE-EXAMINATION WEEK
Introduction 2. Scope: To convey different spatial modeling in order to have a better insight in possibilities, but also advantages, shortcomings, limitations etc. To routine the basic ArcGIS package tools and get familliarized with various Geo-processing software (GeoMapApp, Rockworks, IDRISI Taiga…)
Introduction 3. Introduction chat: Your interest in GIS in Geology Your Master thesis work