INTERVIEW 1. Where was you born? I was born in Ho Chi Minh city. 2.Where are you come form? I m come from Vietnam. 3. Which country are you come from? Im come from HCMC. 4. What is your family nationality? My family nationality is Vietnamese.
Family Stories My family had gone to Singapore and have a great vacation at their its. I had bought a new ipod and psp at their, I had seen Singapores zoo.
Family History My father is come from north Vietnam and my mother is come from south Vietnam. My mom is a woman who grew me up and my dad is a man who teach me how to be a good person.
Time lines First year go to the kindergarten 2001 Born in 1998 Mine Star primary school 2004 Finish primary school 2009 Year Born in 1989 My brother Star primary school 1995 First year go to the kindergarten 1992 Finish primary school 2000 Study collage 2010
Answer Why is time and place important? Because it make us have to work hard and fast and right, if dont you will lost your jobs or have detention.