Invertebrates By Alenna Naeve A.N
Arthropods/Arachnids Definition : An animal that has a jointed exoskeleton. Body systems: They breathe through organs called book lungs. Reproduction: Arthropods reproduce sexually. The female often lays fertilized eggs from which young hatch. food: They eat other animals. They use their pincers or fangs to catch their prey. Habitat: They live anywhere that supports life. Predators and problems : one problem is that people do not like arthropods. Adaption and fun facts : one thing unique about these animals is that how they catch their prey. A.N
Annelids/earthworms Definition: these worms are whose bodies are made up of connected sections, or segments. Body systems: five enlarged tubes act as hearts and the tubes pump blood through the major vessels of the worms body. To get oxygen earthworms breathe through their thin, moist skin. Reproduction: After worms mate, both partners lay eggs and produce a slimy covering that forms a cocoon protecting the eggs. Food: the two sets of muscles enable the earth worm to move through the soil, where it takes in food through its mouth. Habitat : earth worms usually live in the dirt. Predators and problems: some people are killing earth worms. Adaptations and fun facts: what is unique about these animals is that how they move through the dirt. A.N
Porifera/cnidarians A.N Definition: a type of animal that filters the water it lives in to get food. Description: different species of sponges are black, brown or gray and some even look like fingers. Body systems: thread like structures of the cell collect tiny food particles. They have two layers of cells. The water leaves the sponges body through an opening called a vent. Reproduction: most sponges reproduce asexually. Buds and branches grow from a parent sponge. These buds break off and grow into new sponges. Food: sponges get their food by filtering the water they live in. they eat tiny food particles. Habitat: these sponges live in fresh water like lakes, ponds, streams, and on rocks. Predators and problems: one problem is using sponges for cleaning materials. Adaptations and fun facts: the water helps them survive. One thing unique about these animals is that we can use them as a cleaning material. A.N
Platyhelminthes/planarian Definition: an animal that has a flattened body, a digestive system with only one opening, and a simple nervous system. Description: they have triangular shaped heads and eye spots. Body systems: flat worms have internal like structures. Two nerve cords that run down its body. Its body is made out of tissues. It has a mouth on the under side of its body. Reproduction: Flat worms reproduce sexually. They can reproduce by mating and laying eggs. Food: they eat small particles and liquid. They extend a tube from its mouth. Flat worms live in fresh water , streams, ponds , lakes. Predators and problems: one problem is that there is too many people fishing where they live. Adaptations and fun facts: the water helps them survive. One unique thing about these animals is that they have tubes for mouths. A.N
Invertebrates Gabby Mooney G.M
Mollusks/ Snails Definition :Mollusks- an animal with a soft body and no bones. Body system: The shell can grow as the mollusks grows. Reproduction: They release there eggs and there sperms into the water. Habitat: The live under the water in salt water. Predators: Their predators are mostly octopuses, and squids. Fun Fact: There shell helps them survive and they also need food to survive. G.M
Echinoderm/ starfish Definition: Echinoderm- an invertebrate that has an internal skeleton and spines that are part of its skin. Reproduction: Starfish generally reproduce sexually. Each starfish is either female or male, and each of its arms have sex organs. Females release millions of eggs cells, and males release millions of sperms cells into the water. Food: The starfish eats mussels. Habitat: The habitat is under the water. They always have to stay in salt water. One fun fact is: When a starfish loses a leg it grows back. Body system: they have tube feet. G.M
Cnidarians/ jellyfish Definition: an animal with tentacles that have the ability to sting its prey or predators. Body System: They have long tentacles to sting there prey. Reproduction: in the jellyfish the medusa releases sperm and egg cells into the water, where fertilization takes place. Fertilized eggs cells develop into larva that can move through the water. Food: Jellyfish eat small fish and sea crabs. Habitat: they live in salt-water. Predators: There predators are sea birds. Fun fact: some jellyfish live in fresh water. G.M
Nematodes/Ascaris/roundworms Definition: Nematodes/roundworms- an animal, with a round tube-like body, that has a digestive system with two openings. Body system: they have 2 openings. Reproduction: it also has sex organs that enable it to reproduce sexually. Food: they eat insects. Predators: G.M
Web Sources s/jellyfish Science book pg.b89 mollusks