The systems of measurements Metric System H.Pownell, SPN
Metric System The metric system is based upon the decimal system A zero should always be placed in front of the decimal when the amount is less than 1 When converting to larger or smaller , you are either moving the decimal left or right. Larger to smaller you move to the right Smaller to larger you move to the left LMNOPQRS
Metric Basic Units Grams- unit for weight of a solid Liter-unit for the volume of liquid Meter- unit for length
Metric Prefixes Number Value Prefix Kilo Hecto Deka Deci Centri Milli Micro 1000 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.000001
Abbreviations Volume Weight L - liter mL- milliliter kL- kiloliter dL-deciliter g - gram Mg- milligram Mcg- microgram Kg-kilogram
Converting Within Metric Units Good to Know 1 kg= 1000 g 1 g = 1000mg 1 mg= 1000 mcg 1 L= 1000 mL Dividing or Multiplying by 1000 gets determined by size of unit Ex. 100 ml 1 L smaller to larger
Fact to Remember Zero in front of the decimal when less than 1 ALWAYS (should) have a label of measurement Convert fractions to decimals Be careful when writing abbreviations , state clearly what the unit is