Herbert L.N 04/28/2011
Marine Architect Marine architects are designers of ship structures, hulls, and compartments. They work closely with equipment engineers and shipbuilders to ensure that a ship functions efficiently and that its overall system is sound. Most marine architects work for private shipbuilding companies, but some work for design or research firms or are self- employed consultants. Many are employed by the U.S. Navy's Naval Sea System Command, the U.S. Coast Guard, or other branches of government.
I will be living in Tallahassee fl, where I will be attending FSU {Florida State University}, where I will be majoring in Marine architect. I will be living in an apartment near FSU college.
A doctorate is not typically required to become an architect, but it can lead to research or teaching positions. Most D.Arch degree programs admit students with a bachelor's or master's degree in the field; however, some offer a combination of undergraduate and graduate study in which students can enroll straight out of high school. Doctorate programs in architecture feature advanced study of architectural theory and research methodology.
To participate in diving activities, it is necessary to have an open water diving certificate from an internationally recognized organization. For this reason, we have designed two groups to choose from in our underwater archaeology course: with or without a diving certificate.
Salary Range $62,893 - $89,846
Naval architects divide their time between their offices and work sites. Work sites may be hazardous. Architects may be required to travel to business meetings and professional conferences. They generally work forty hours a week. They may work longer hours to meet deadlines
Good seasteading ideas don’t come out of nothing. They require someone spending time and effort on the subject. And that time and effort could alternatively have been spent on other things like making an income. Wishes alone are typically not very effective at influencing the behavior of others compared to wishes + incentives. I suggest that TSI announce that they will reward ideas and other input which in TSI's opinion significantly advances seasteading. It seems to be a good way to spend some of the $ the $
International Convention for the Preservation of the Underwater Cultural Heritage What is Underwater Archaeology What is Underwater Archaeology - Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeoogy Treasure Hunting: Frequently Asked QuestionsTreasure Hunting: Frequently Asked Questions - Dr.Filipe Castro The Men who stole the StarsThe Men who stole the Stars - Dr.Georgr F. Bass