Solar System By Jia Yang Huang The solar system use to have 9 planets but scientists change their mind and said Pluto is too small to be a planet. So the solar system have eight planets and one dwarf planets. The Sun is near the center.
Sun If there was no Sun the Earth would not have any life. The Sun is just a medium sized planet.
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. The planet Mercury’s dark side is very cold.
Venus Venus is unlike most planet it has no moon. Venus is 67 million miles from the Sun.
Earth The planet Earth is the only planet that support life. E arth have only one moon.
Mars a)The planet mars have two moons. b)Evidence suggested Mars once might have bodies of water.
Asteroid Belt Asteroid belt divides the planets into inner planets and outer planets. The largest asteroid is the ceres.
Jupiter The planet Jupiter is so big that more than 1,300 earth could fit in it. If you were 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh 185 pounds on Jupiter.
Saturn The planet Saturn have at least 31 moons. Saturn’s ring is made of rock, ice, and gas.
Uranus If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh 62 pounds on Uranus. Uranus is smaller in weight than Neptune.
Neptune The planet Neptune is about four times the size of Earth. Neptune is the smallest of the gas planets.
PLUTO IIf you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh 4 pounds on Pluto. PPluto was seen with a telescope in 1930.
Comets Comet is left over rock and ice. A comet’s tail could be many miles long.
Stars Stars that are blue is hotter. Every star might have planets around it. Boom super star
THE OUTER PLANETS Most of the out planets in our solar system are made from gas. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are our outer planets.
Galaxy Our Milky Way is a one of the many galaxy. There are about 30 galaxy.
Saturn’s ring Back in 1610 Galileo Galilei was the first to see Saturn’s ring with a telescope. Saturn’s ring is mostly made of pure water ice.
The end HAPPY ENDING. I’ve accomplished hahahah YES YEAH.