Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True PT 1 - Truth Copyright by Norman Geisler 2010
Reason Demands It Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living. We add: The unexamined faith is not worth believing.
A Faith not Worth Having
Cult Leader Marshall Applewhite
39 Dead Cult Members! 1997
A Faith not Worth Having
Killed in Waco A Faith not Worth Having
Jim Jones Peoples Temple
914 Dead A Faith not Worth Having
Another Faith not Worth Having
1 Peter 3:15: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. The Bible Commands It
2 Corinthians 10:5: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God…. We Should Destroy Arguments Against God
Paul Defended the Gospel Phil 1:7: It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in Gods grace with me.
We Should Test the Spirits 1 John 4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit but test the spirits to see whether the are of God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Jude Urged that We Contend for the Faith Jude 3: Dear friends,…I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.
Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True 1. Truth about reality is knowable. 2. The opposite of true is false. 3. It is true that the theistic God exists. 4. If God exists then miracles are possible. 5. Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God. 6. The New Testament is historically reliable. 7. The New Testament says Jesus claimed to be God. 8. Jesus claim to be God was miraculously confirmed by: a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself; a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself; b. His sinless and miraculous life; b. His sinless and miraculous life; c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection 9. Therefore, Jesus is God. 10. Whatever Jesus (who is God) teaches is true. 11. Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God. 12. Therefore, it is true that the Bible is the Word of God (and anything opposed to it is false).
The Outline: I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known? III. Is Truth Absolute? I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known? III. Is Truth Absolute?
I. What is Truth?
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts
What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts -Matches its object What is Truth? Truth is what: -Tells it like it is -Corresponds to the facts -Matches its object
A true statement matches its object This object is a table.
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts
What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts -Match its object What is False? False is what does not: -Tell it like it is -Correspond to the facts -Match its object
How Do We Know? Because i t is Self-defeating to Deny It I cant speak a word in English. Isnt that in English? Isnt that in English?
Truth is not telling like it is! Truth is Telling it like it is Isnt that telling it like it is?
The Outline: I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known? I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known?
Opponents on Truth Relativismdenies absolute truthRelativismdenies absolute truth Agnosticismdenies all truthAgnosticismdenies all truth Skepticismdoubts all truthSkepticismdoubts all truth Post-Modernismaffirms no truthPost-Modernismaffirms no truth Pluralismaffirms opposite`truthsPluralismaffirms opposite`truths Relativismdenies absolute truthRelativismdenies absolute truth Agnosticismdenies all truthAgnosticismdenies all truth Skepticismdoubts all truthSkepticismdoubts all truth Post-Modernismaffirms no truthPost-Modernismaffirms no truth Pluralismaffirms opposite`truthsPluralismaffirms opposite`truths
Agnosticism: Truth about reality is Unknowable He affirmed we kant know truth about reality. We can only know appearance, not reality. We cant know the thing in itself, only the thing to us. We must remain agnostic about reality. He affirmed we kant know truth about reality. We can only know appearance, not reality. We cant know the thing in itself, only the thing to us. We must remain agnostic about reality. Emmanuel Kant
No one knows the truth! Can We Know the Truth? Then how do you know that is true?
A Response to Agnosticism Agnosticism Fails because :Agnosticism Fails because : It is self-defeating (by claiming to know the truth about reality that we cannot know any truth about reality).It is self-defeating (by claiming to know the truth about reality that we cannot know any truth about reality). Agnosticism Fails because :Agnosticism Fails because : It is self-defeating (by claiming to know the truth about reality that we cannot know any truth about reality).It is self-defeating (by claiming to know the truth about reality that we cannot know any truth about reality).
Skepticism: Doubt all Truth We should doubt everything about reality. We can only know sense data. We should suspend judgment on all truth claims about reality. We should doubt everything about reality. We can only know sense data. We should suspend judgment on all truth claims about reality. David Hume
A Response to Skepticism Skepticism Fails Because:Skepticism Fails Because: Either it is self-defeating (by claiming we should doubt everything including skepticism).Either it is self-defeating (by claiming we should doubt everything including skepticism). Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted.Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted. Skepticism Fails Because:Skepticism Fails Because: Either it is self-defeating (by claiming we should doubt everything including skepticism).Either it is self-defeating (by claiming we should doubt everything including skepticism). Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted.Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted.
Post-Modernism: Make no Truth Claims –We must deconstruct all truth claims. –We can reconstruct as many views as possible. –No reconstruction is objectively true; it is merely new. –We must deconstruct all truth claims. –We can reconstruct as many views as possible. –No reconstruction is objectively true; it is merely new. Jacque Derrida
A Response to Post- Modernism Post-Modernism Fails Because:Post-Modernism Fails Because: Either it claims to be true (and is thereby self-defeating). Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth.Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth. Ignoring the truth does not make it go away!Ignoring the truth does not make it go away! Post-Modernism Fails Because:Post-Modernism Fails Because: Either it claims to be true (and is thereby self-defeating). Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth.Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth. Ignoring the truth does not make it go away!Ignoring the truth does not make it go away!
Ignoring Truth is Fatal Truth Express
The Outline: I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known? III. Is Truth Absolute? I. What is Truth? II.Can Truth be Known? III. Is Truth Absolute?
Relativism: All Truth is Relative Reality has no unchanging forms. All truth is in process and is never final. All truth is relative and changing. Reality has no unchanging forms. All truth is in process and is never final. All truth is relative and changing. Alfred North Whitehead
A Response to Relativism Relativism fails to deny absolutism because: It either affirms that relativism is absolutely true (which is self- defeating).It either affirms that relativism is absolutely true (which is self- defeating). Or else its claim that is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful).Or else its claim that is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful). Relativism fails to deny absolutism because: It either affirms that relativism is absolutely true (which is self- defeating).It either affirms that relativism is absolutely true (which is self- defeating). Or else its claim that is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful).Or else its claim that is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful).
There is no absolute truth! IS Truth Absolute? Is that absolutely true?Is that absolutely true?
Is Truth Absolute? Its true for you but not for me! Is that just true for you but not for me?
We Demand Absolute Truth in-- Safety Money Medicine Relationships Court Proceedings Safety Money Medicine Relationships Court Proceedings So everyone really believes in absolute truth
Does Truth Change? A. Objection: Truth changes. What is true today may be false tomorrow. The progress of science is proof that truth is constantly changing. A. Objection: Truth changes. What is true today may be false tomorrow. The progress of science is proof that truth is constantly changing.
Earlier Truth--The Earth is Flat. Later Truth--The Earth is Round Earlier Truth--The Earth is Flat. Later Truth--The Earth is Round Does Truth Change? The Earth is Round The Earth is not Round
Does Truth Change? B. Response: Truth does not change. The earth was always round. Those who believed it was flat were in error, not truth. B. Response: Truth does not change. The earth was always round. Those who believed it was flat were in error, not truth.
Absolute Truth is too Narrow A. Objection: Belief in absolute truth is a narrow view. B. Response: Truth is by its very nature narrow. I am here and not anywhere else. I am here and not anywhere else. 4+4=8 and ONLY 8! (not 7, 9, 10, etc.) 4+4=8 and ONLY 8! (not 7, 9, 10, etc.) This is narrow, but its TRUE! A. Objection: Belief in absolute truth is a narrow view. B. Response: Truth is by its very nature narrow. I am here and not anywhere else. I am here and not anywhere else. 4+4=8 and ONLY 8! (not 7, 9, 10, etc.) 4+4=8 and ONLY 8! (not 7, 9, 10, etc.) This is narrow, but its TRUE!
Absolute Truth is too Narrow B. Response: Atheism is true is narrow since it excludes all opposing views. Skepticism is true is narrow too. Pluralism is true is also narrow. All truth claims are narrow and exclusive! B. Response: Atheism is true is narrow since it excludes all opposing views. Skepticism is true is narrow too. Pluralism is true is also narrow. All truth claims are narrow and exclusive!
Definition of Relative Truth Relative Truth is: Something true only: For SOME people, Or in SOME places, Or in SOME places, Or at SOME times. Or at SOME times. Relative Truth is: Something true only: For SOME people, Or in SOME places, Or in SOME places, Or at SOME times. Or at SOME times.
Definition of Absolute Truth Absolute Truth is: Something true For ALL people in ALL places and at ALL times and at ALL times Absolute Truth is: Something true For ALL people in ALL places and at ALL times and at ALL times
A Defense of Absolute Truth Whatever is true, is true for allWhatever is true, is true for all people, in all places, and at all times! people, in all places, and at all times! Whatever is true, is true for allWhatever is true, is true for all people, in all places, and at all times! people, in all places, and at all times!
It is True for All People That The man on the left is cold, and the man on the right is hot is true for everyone, everywhere.
It is True at All Times Did the sun once revolve around the earth? No! Truth didnt change; our view did! Did the sun once revolve around the earth? No! Truth didnt change; our view did!
It is True in All Places It is cold at the North Pole and hot in Egypt is true everywhere Different geographical conditions do not change the truth. It is cold at the North Pole and hot in Egypt is true everywhere Different geographical conditions do not change the truth.
Serious Problems with Relativism Like an old apple, relativism may look good on the surface, but it is rotten at the core!
Serious Problems with Relativism They cant be absolutelyThey cant be absolutely certain of relativism. certain of relativism. They cant be absolutelyThey cant be absolutely certain of relativism. certain of relativism.
They cant be absolutely certain of relativism Relativists believe that relativism is true for EVERYONE. But if relativism is true for EVERYONE, then it is no longer a RELATIVE truth, but an ABSOLUTE truth. Relativism is self-defeating. Relativists believe that relativism is true for EVERYONE. But if relativism is true for EVERYONE, then it is no longer a RELATIVE truth, but an ABSOLUTE truth. Relativism is self-defeating.
The world would be full of contradictions If something is true for me but false for you, then opposite conditions exist. But, THATS NOT POSSIBLE!
No one would ever be wrong about anything If truth is always relative, then I can never be wrong. If someone claims Im wrong, then I can just say, its wrong for THEM not for ME.
No one would ever learn anything If we can never be wrong, then we can never learn anything, for learning involves moving from not knowing truth to knowing truth.
Relative Comparisons Objection:Objection: Wilt is taller than Willie is alleged to be a relative truth. Other example are warmer and colder, better or worse. Objection:Objection: Wilt is taller than Willie is alleged to be a relative truth. Other example are warmer and colder, better or worse.
Response:Response: That Wilt Chamberlain is taller here than Willie Shoemaker will always be true everywhere, all the time, and in all places. The same thing is true of all other comparisons. Response:Response: That Wilt Chamberlain is taller here than Willie Shoemaker will always be true everywhere, all the time, and in all places. The same thing is true of all other comparisons. Relative Comparisons
Except the one with its eyes open to the truth! And the absolute truth is: This is an elephant! No! They are All Wrong
All Religions Cant Be True: They Teach Opposites Islam with Christianity Lets contrast:
Opposites can both be true. Opposites Cant Both be True Is the opposite of that true?
Avicenna on Denying the Law of Non-Contradiction Anyone who denies the law of non- contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned. Anyone who denies the law of non- contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.
Opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. Opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. The Opposite of True is False (The Law of Non-Contradiction) The Opposite of True is False (The Law of Non-Contradiction) The Earth is Round The Earth is not Round
ISLAM GOD: Only one person CHRISTIANITY GOD: 3 persons in one God JESUS: Merely a man, not God. DEATH OF CHRIST: He didnt die or rise again SALVATION: By faith and good works which outweigh bad ones JESUS: More than a man; He was also God. DEATH OF CHRIST: He died and rose again in same body SALVATION: Not by good works but as a free gift to all who believe BIBLE: CorruptedBIBLE: Not corrupted
1.1. All truth claims are absolute, narrow and exclusive. (Even the pluralist claim that Every religion is true is an exclusive claim since it excludes its opposite.) The Truth About Truth
2. Truth is discovered, not invented. It exists independently of anyones knowledge of it. (Gravity existed prior to Newton.) The Truth About Truth
3.3. Beliefs can not change a fact, no matter how sincerely they are held. (I can sincerely believe the world is flat but that only makes me sincerely wrong.) The Truth About Truth
3.3. Beliefs can not change a fact, no matter how sincerely they are held. (I can sincerely believe the world is flat but that only makes me sincerely wrong.) The Truth About Truth 4.4. Truth is trans-cultural (2+2=4 here, there, and everywhere).
5. 6. Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true. The Truth About Truth
5. 6. Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesnt make Nazism true Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesnt make Nazism true. The Truth About Truth
5. 6. Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesnt make Nazism true. b) Being raised a racist does make racism true Being raised in a given culture doesnt make their beliefs true. a) Being raised a Nazi doesnt make Nazism true. b) Being raised a racist does make racism true. The Truth About Truth
7. Ones Attitude Doesnt Change the Truth
The Truth About Truth 7. Ones Attitude Doesnt Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. 7. Ones Attitude Doesnt Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error.
The Truth About Truth 7. Ones Attitude Doesnt Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. 7. Ones Attitude Doesnt Change the Truth a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. a) A bad attitude about truth does not make it an error. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true. b) A good attitude about error does not make it true.
1.8 Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible. The Truth About Truth
1.8 Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible You can believe everything is true, but everything cant be true. 1.8 Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible You can believe everything is true, but everything cant be true. The Truth About Truth
1.10. Truth is determined by facts, not by beliefs Truth does not change; only our understanding of it does Truth is determined by facts, not by beliefs Truth does not change; only our understanding of it does. The Truth About Truth
1.Can all religions be true? No, they teach opposites! And opposites cant both be true. 2.Can one religion be true: Yes, if we take off our blinders and see which religion corresponds to reality. 1.Can all religions be true? No, they teach opposites! And opposites cant both be true. 2.Can one religion be true: Yes, if we take off our blinders and see which religion corresponds to reality. Summary