PERSONAL FREEDOM HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE Mandatory Voluntary Free Expensive Time is structured by others You manage your own time You need money for special purchases & events You need money to meet basic necessities You can rely on parents & teachers to remind you of your responsibilities and to guide you in setting priorities Guiding principle: You’re old enough to take responsibility for what you do and don’t do, as well as the consequences of your decisions You need permission to participate in extra curricular activities You decide whether to participate in extracurricular activities
TEACHERS PROFESSORS Check your homework May not always check completed homework, but assume you can perform the same tasks on tests Remind you of incomplete work Do not remind you of incomplete work Approach you if they think you need assistance Expect you to initiate contact for assistance Have been trained in teaching methods to assist in imparting knowledge to students Have been trained as experts in their particular areas of expertise or research
TEACHERS PROFESSORS Often write information on the board to be copied for your notes May lecture non-stop, expecting you to identify important points in your notes. Impart knowledge and facts, sometimes drawing connections and leading you through the thinking process Expect you to think about and synthesize seemingly unrelated topics Often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates Expect you to read, save, and consult the course syllabus to see what is due, when it is due, and how you will be graded Present material to help you understand the material in the textbook May not follow the textbook and may expect you to relate the classes to the textbook
TESTS HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE Makeup tests are often available Makeup tests are seldom an option Teachers frequently arrange test dates to avoid conflicts with school events Tests usually scheduled without regard to the demands of other courses or outside activities Frequent review sessions Rare review sessions, when they do, you need to come prepared with questions. You may also use the tutoring center Testing is frequent and cover small amounts of material Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material
GRADES HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE Consistently good homework grades may help raise you grade Tests and major papers usually provide most of the course grade Initial test grades, especially when they are low, may not have an adverse effect on your final grade Tests usually scheduled without regard to the demands of other courses or outside activities You may graduate with a grade of D or higher You may graduate only if your average meets the department standard – typically 2.0 or C Given for most assigned work May not be provided for all assignments Guiding principle: “Effort Counts” Guiding principle: “Results Count”