Mineral ID.


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Presentation transcript:

Mineral ID

Definition Naturally occurring Solid Inorganic Crystalline form Definite chemical composition More than 4000 know minerals

Mineral Properties Luster Hardness Streak Color Crystal Cleavage/Fracture Other

Luster - Metallic Cube – pyrite Bubbled - hematite

Luster - Nonmetallic Kaolinite – white Limonite - rust

Hardness Test Scratch a mineral with either another mineral or field test materials. The harder mineral will leave a mark or cut into the softer mineral. Field Test Try to scratch with Fingernail - if so, 2.5 if not, Copper Penny – if so, 3 Steel Nail – if so, 5 Glass Plate – if so, 5.5 Streak Plate – if so, 7.5 if not, > 7.5

Very soft minerals White – kaolinite – sticks to tougue, feels dry and powdery Whitish pink – talc – feels smooth Dark gray – graphic – feels smooth, rubs off on fingers

Very hard minerals Clear – diamond Hexagonal – corundum (red: ruby, blue: sapphire)

Streak Rub the mineral across the porcelain plate. The color left behind is the streak. Nonmetallic minerals and those that have a hardness greater than the streak plate will leave either white or no streak.

Cleavage vs. Fracture Sheets – mica: biotite (black – dark brown) and muscovite (light colored) Pink – orthoclase feldspar

Fracture Fracture

Crystal vs Fracture - Quartz

Crystal vs Cleavage - Galena

Twinning - Staurolite  Back

Color - Quartz

Color - Calcite

Other Crystal (galena) (pyrite) (fluorite) (quartz) Twinning(staurolite) Fluorescense (fluorite) HCl Acid Reaction (calcite) Heft (galena) Magnetism (magnetite) Plasticity (mica) Smell (sulfur) Sound: actually a reaction to heat expansion (sulfur) Taste (halite) Touch (talc) (graphite) (kaolonite)

Crystal Shape - Quartz

Crystal Shape - Pyrite

Crystal Shape - Fluorite

Crystal Shape - Wavellite

Fluorescent Mineral Gallery

HCl reaction http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/geology/grocha/mineral/acid.html

Heft Galena Barite rose

Magnetism http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/geology/grocha/mineral/magnet.html



Sound - Sulfur

Touch – feel dusty, slick and soapy White – kaolinite – sticks to tougue, feels dry and powdery Whitish pink – talc – feels smooth Dark gray – graphic – feels smooth, rubs off on fingers



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