Brandon K 04/26/11 Astronomer
Astronomers think big! They want to understand the entire universe—the nature of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, galaxies, and everything in between. An astronomer's work can be pure science— gathering and analyzing data from instruments and creating theories about the nature of cosmic objects—or the work can be applied to practical problems in space flight and navigation, or satellite communications.
Where I would live for this job o Astronomers who make observations with ground-based telescopes may spend many hours working in observatories; this work usually involves travel to remote locations and may require working at night. o Astronomers whose work depends on grant money often are under pressure to write grant proposals to keep their work funded.
Educational Requirements High School Diploma Master’s Degree A PhD degree in physics or closely related fields is typically required for basic research positions, independent research in industry, faculty positions, and advancement to managerial positions.
What you need to be an astronomer Mathematical ability, problem-solving and analytical skills, an inquisitive mind, imagination, and initiative are important traits for anyone planning a career in astronomy.
Income Between $40,000 and $100,000
Rewards of the career You will understand space more. You will make a lot of money.
Can you believe what you will see?
Bibliography Ho, Luis.”Exploring Career Options: Astronomy.” Online posting Luis Ho’s homepage. 3 May x?ContentID= Ho, Luis.”Exploring Career Options: Astronomy.” Online posting Luis Ho’s homepage. 3 May x?ContentID= ml