Workshop Curriculum Learn4Work Rob van Wezel Karin Geurts.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop Curriculum Learn4Work Rob van Wezel Karin Geurts

Workshop Dutch educational system Qualification profiles Competence based learning Design a Curriculum Discussion -Optional - Develop a Qualification Profile - Workplacement

Development and maintenance of National Vocational Qualifications Trade sector and Fashion and Textile production sector Accreditation and support of companies participating in formal vocational education Research Labour market in relation to VET exams tests assesments evaluations audits promote and support international mobility within formal educational programs initiate and participate in international projects in order to innovate and improve vocational education advise and support companies in setting up HCM competence analisys and development provide companies and organisations with practicle HCM advise and tools

Dutch Educational System

Facts and figures In general in VET: 700 programs students 62 training centers 17 national centers of expertise training companies -Trade Sector students / training companies

Learning routes School-based route (BOL) -Students attend full-time education -(formal status is student) -Theory/practice ratio around Work-based route (BBL) -It starts from an existing work situation -(formal status is employee) -Practice/theory ratio around Students are in training while working

Secondary vocational education 4 levels - level 1: junior assistant - level 2: assistant - level 3: specialist - level 4: manager

Involvement employers Learning Companies

Development process qualification file

Professional Competence Profile Professional Competence Profiles (PCP) are the basis for the competence-based qualification structure. A Professional Competence Profile describes the activities of the profession and the professional competences of the skilled professional worker. Occupational profile

Development process qualification file

Qualification profile Qualification Profiles (QP) form the heart of the qualification structure. A Qualification Profile describes the competences of a beginning professional worker and the activities of the professional contexts in which the beginning worker can function. The basis of a qualification profile is at least one Professional Competence Profile.

Qualification structure All regular vocational training courses in a certain professional sector are subsumed in one structure: the qualification structure. This is a coherent whole of qualifications (training programmes), of which the contents are directly derived from professional activities. Each professional sector has its own qualification structure. The contents of the qualification structure are jointly formulated by employers’ organisations, trade unions and representatives of vocational education.

Trade qualification structure

Development process qualification file

Learning and Citizenship Profile The Learning and Citizenship Profile describes what a professional worker should know and do from the viewpoint of future education (i.c. higher vocational education) and society in general.

Qualification landscape from labour market to education

Competence based learning Head Hands Heart

Competence A competence is the developable power of someone to act properly, purposefully, motivated and process- and result-oriented, in occurring situations. That is, a competence is a coherent complex of knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes, needed to function in a certain situation. A competence is formulated in general terms, and is concretized in the situational context by visible behaviour.

Workplacement KCH Company Training Center Student

(Re) Designing a curriculum Steps in the process 1.Views and outlines 2.Teaching model 3.First draft 4.Second draft (more in detail) 5.Development of materials It’s all about making choices!

(Re) Designing a curriculum Make a difference between WhatGoals HowEducational design Training situations

What Key-tasks? Competences? What will be examined?

How Some discussions: -Within the outlines/view of the school -Adjust to learning questions -Flexibility -Learning environment -How do we coach our students? -Didactical views -Assessments/examination

The key questions What is learning, how do our students learn? What is more important learning or teaching?

How Training on demand? Individual training programmes? How do we integrate theory and practice? How to assess?

Integration theory and practice Realistic projects and assignments As much as possible: leading are the questions from the students Use simulations

Changes as a result of a competence based training Use of Intakes, PDP Better integration of theory and practice Different trainingmethods More individual coaching Different methods for assessing

Workplacement KCH Company Training Center Student

Best learning environment What are you allowed to practice? What can you learn? Who’s coaching you?

Opportunities in the company Individual knowledge, skills and attitude

Core tasks of a workplace trainer Collecting information before the workplace trainee arrives Organizing the learning process and familiarizing the student with procedures during the workplacement. Guiding the workplace student during the learning process. Assessing the learning results of the student

Language Qualification Profile Core tasks Activity processes Competence matrix Competences

SHL There’s a fixed list of 25 competences from the company SHL ( that are used to make up the competence-based national qualification structure. This way, the transparency and comparability between the different sectoral substructures is enhanced considerably.

25 competences Communicating Decide and initiates activities Coaching Working together Analyse Instructions and procedures succeed

Core Tasks Core tasks describe the essence of the work. A core tasks is a general description of a related set of activities – related by purpose and/or by time.

Example Core task Have sales talks Activity processes 1.Receive the customer 2.Talk with the customer 3.Tailor service to the demands of the customer 4.Deal with complaints

Competence matrix The competence matrix displays the relation between competences and activity processes (not core duties, because they are too broad).

Competence matrix -competences -work processes -Behaviour Competence A Competence B Competence C Work process 1 Work process 2 Work process 3 professional development: the extent to which a student is able to perform a key task personal development: the extent to which a student develops a competence.

Competence matrix

Qualification Dossier The Qualification Dossier consists of the whole Qualification Profile plus all source documents and referential documents A: general discription B: core of the QP→ OCW C: elaboration of the QP D: source documents

Example: Competence matrix-specified Title of the Activity process Description of actions Part of the Core duty that pertains to the Activity process Desired resultOne or more results of the Activity process CompetenceComponentPerformance indicators Knowledge and skills One of the Competences from the competence list Description of the direction of the Competence (also part of the competence list) Description of the visible behaviour when the Competence is shown during the Activity process Description (broad) of the knowledge and skills integrated in the junction of Activity process and Competence
