ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien1 ePortfolio in Adult Education Chances and Perspectives
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien2 Background Professional Maturity Exam (Berufsreifeprüfung) Adult learner, voluntary attendance Fees and final exams (Matura) Apr. 200 hours x 2 per year, 4 courses LMS: Moodle
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien3 Implementation of eLearning Succesfully: Support, training, research & development, top down and bottom up approach, infrastructure
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien4 ePortfolio Experiences 1 Testing Pebble Ped Positive reactions: reflection and feedback Overburdening through double roles: Learner and reflector on learning? > Serious reflection on the own learning process
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien5 ePortfolio Experiences 2 Students could write texts on every theme for the final exam The common reflection is adequate to the learning goals of the final exam (Matura) Integration into examination processes! Too many technical systems
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien6 –Basic Competencies: Reading, Writing, Calculating, IT-Competencies –Generaly secondary school exam (Hauptschulabschluss) –Final exam (Berufsreifeprüfung) –Pathways between Basic Education - Secondary School - Final Exam –eLearning –ePortfolios for special target groups Perspectives
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien7 Perspectives Present status LMS Moodle in final exam courses with different concepts Portfolio testing in an English course Paper-based evaluations Future status All courses on the LMS (e)Portfolio in all courses eEvaluation
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien8 Perspectives –Targetgroup-oriented LMS for basic education and generally secondary school exams –Targetgroup-orientied ePortfolios for basic education and generally secondary school exams –Expansion of the LMS use in Berufsreifeprüfung –Integration of the existing feedback system into an ePortfolio –Development of an ePortfolio for teachers in Berufsreifeprüfung
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien9 Existing structure Transparent yearly learning plan and learning targets support Feedback system culture portfolio in German courses ePortfolio testing
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien10 ePortfolio concepts –Learning portfolio: learning reflection (learning targets) –Assessment portfolio: independent testing and reflection –Presentation portfolio: Qualifications, competencies, products
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien11 Approaches and aims Reflection on the own competencies and the ability to describe them, selfdefinition of the learning needs and higher motivation for learning. ICT-Skills, collaboratives working, learning to learn: key competencies (see recommondations of the EC) can be aquainted by the way und authentic and can be transferred (f.i. Web 2.0) Empowerment: professionel support from the learning center with the aim to promote self-determination and autonomy (self-directed learning, consciousness on strengthens,...); more participation in society and in working life
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien12 Presentation Portfolio Low qualified persons show what they are able to... Presentation and description of Informal competencies & reflection Good and excellent products Validation by third parties See ePortfolio of Susanne Kovac
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien13 Learning portfolio Final certification (Matura) > labour market Presentation of and reflection on the learning process No end in itself Communicative process between teachers and learners (individual feedback, …) Clear tasks, lazy knowledge > competence to act Methodology with success factors (failure) adapted according to specific targets can be transferred into a presentation portfolio
ICLGerhard Bisovsky, VHS Wien14 Challenges Learners with migrant backgrounds Mature learners: 30 +, 40 + Ambitious concepts > pragmatic approaches Accredition of ePortfolios