Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Develop a PBWiki for faculty sharing of reviews of the literature, research, and ideas on teaching and learning Faculty Professional Learning Community Create opportunities SB1 multi-disciplinary faculty and staff engaged in an active, collaborative, yearlong program to enhance teaching and learning, and community building by either meetings or discussion board
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Develop a PBWiki for faculty sharing of reviews of the literature, research, and ideas on teaching and learning The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is a growing movement in post- secondary education. SOTL is scholarly inquiry into student learning which advances the practice of teaching by making research findings public. Learning Community faculty are very busy. Many of the faculty and staff try to keep abreast of the literature and research on learning and need a place for sharing what they are learning. A PBWiki is an easy medium in which to share information and links to the literature and research relevant to the learning community.
Faculty Professional Learning Community Create opportunities SB1 multi-disciplinary faculty and staff engaged in an active, collaborative, yearlong program to enhance teaching and learning, and community building by either meetings or discussion board The professional learning community model flows from the assumption that the core mission of formal education is not simply to ensure that students are taught but to ensure that they learn. This simple shift—from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning—has profound implications for schools.
Faculty Professional Learning Communities are: “a diverse group of colleagues from various divisions/departments (faculty and/or staff) organized by regular meetings throughout the academic year grounded on shared learning goals facilitated by one or two people but group-owned and democratic collegial and social (as well as intellectual) based on inquiry” BOTTOM LINE: Three Crucial Questions What do we want each student to learn? How will we know when each student has learned it? How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?