By Jordan Ordaz
Symptoms of fragile X Disabilities to mental retardation Attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity Autistic behaviors Unstable moods Seizures affect about 25% of people that have fragile x syndromes Hyper extensible joints, especially in fingers.
Diagnosis It is a x linked recessive. There are few ways you can find out when they are babies. Large head, Mental retardation, an difference in facial characteristics. They have to be tested for it though.
Prognosis The outcome is how bad the mental retardation is.
Chromosome graphic
Extra information Genetic counseling is just for help an support with that disease. The current research that Vanderbilt University is the first t study to get medicine to correct brain abnormality. A video of someone with fragile x
Treatment There is no cure but there is things you can do to help your child if they have it like special education, speech, behavior problems, and sensory integration training.