Job Readiness: Resume and Cover Letter Writing Skills Use the action buttons or hyperlinks to navigate through the module.
Instructions Upon completion of the self- paced learning module the adult learner will be able to present a professional resume and cover letter to potential employers. Use the ESC key on your keyboard to exit the training module at anytime. Duration: 8-10 minutes
Introduction It is important to market yourself effectively when looking for employment. The job market it a competitive place. You have to make yourself stand out. Marketing yourself through your resume and cover letter can give you a working advantage over others looking to get the same job. This learning module is designed to help you stay competitive and stay ahead in the job market.
Purpose This training module will allow the participant to learn the proper format of a resume and cover letter. The learner will become familiar with the information that should be included in a cover letter and resume. At the end of the training module the learner should be able to confidently apply for open positions in their field of interest.
Objectives 1. To teach proper formatting of resume and cover letter. 2. To review what information should be included in a resume and cover letter. 3. To demonstrate the style that should be used when creating a resume and cover letter.
Lesson 1: The Resume’s Purpose The purpose of a resume is not to get a job but instead to get the interview. Keep it short and direct. Connect your qualities and strengths to real work experiences. Use keywords.
Lesson 1: The Resume’s Purpose Your resume should not be a diary of your working history. It should contain only the information that is relevant to the work the work you are seeking. Too many times potential employers are presented with a list of traits but are not given a reason why those traits and strengths are important to what the applicant does. Make sure to tie in your qualities and your strengths to your work experience, listing your of examples of how your strengths help accomplished something. Finally, use keywords in your resume. Many employers are using digital databases to search for candidates based on some the words found in the job description. Review the job description and try to incorporate these words into your resume.
Lesson 2: The Resume’s Format Use titles that mean something. Use bullet points. Put the most important information first. Check your fonts.
Lesson 2: The Resume’s Format Formatting your resume properly will help increase the likelihood of securing an interview. Being descriptive in your title helps provide future employers with more information about your work history. Using bullet points allows the potential employer to focus on specific experiences, education, and professional goals. You want to list the most important information first so it is understood this is the background you believe is needed to perform a job well. You want to apply how you list information your skills list as well. Finally, check your fonts. The smallest font that should be used is 11 point font but mainly you are looking to make sure your resume is easy to read. By applying these tips to your resume’s style you can increase your chances of securing an interview.
Lesson 3: What should my resume include? Explanation of your skill set. List your achievements.
Lesson 3: What should my resume include? This returns us to the purpose; to secure an interview. Once an interview has been secured you will have plenty of time to give more information about yourself. When explaining your skill set you want to focus on how your skills benefit the company. List your achievements not your responsibilities. Responsibilities are important but what you achieve at your jobs is more important to a future employer. For example if you have raised profit at your company say by how much. Now let’s see what you have retained?
Quiz 1 The purpose of a resume is not to get a job but instead to get the interview. True False
Quiz 1: You are right! The purpose of a resume is not to get a job but instead to get the interview. Keep it short and direct. Connect your qualities and strengths to real work experiences. Use keywords.
Quiz 1: Try again! Your answer was incorrect. If you would like to try again click HERE. If you would like to continue follow the prompts below.HERE
Lesson 4: Cover Letter Purpose To market yourself. To explain employment gaps. To get the interview not the job. Like your resume the purpose of your cover letter is to get an interview not a job. You want to first be sure you are using the correct type of cover letter. The content of the cover letter should relate to the job you are applying for. Your cover letter should compliment not reiterate your resume.
Lesson 5: What should be included in my cover letter? Explanation of gaps in employment. Your cover letter is the perfect opportunity for you to explain any gaps in employment to a potential employer. If you decided to take some time off to be with your family or return to school this is the time to explain it. Any holes in your employment history could be perceived as negative. Use this as a chance to clearly state why there is a gap in your work history.
Lesson 6: Cover Letter Formatting and Sending Send cover letter as an attachment. Confirm contact information. Write simply and proofread your work. Sending cover letters as attachments will help formatting issues associated with online job banks. Whenever possible try to send your cover letter as an attachment. You also want to confirm the contact information; who should the letter be addressed to? Confirm you have the correct salutation and address. You want to write your cover letter simply and proofread. Ask someone to review and read your cover letter. Make sure you are getting your major points across. Let’s see what you remembered?
Quiz 2 The purpose of a cover letter is to ____________________. 1. To explain employment gaps. To explain employment gaps. 2. To make your resume look thicker. To make your resume look thicker 3. To get the job not the interview. To get the job not the interview.
Quiz 2: You are right! To market yourself. To explain employment gaps. To get the interview not the job.
Quiz 2: Try again! Your answer was incorrect. If you would like to try again click HERE. If you would like to continue follow the prompts below.HERE
Summary What makes a cover letter and resume successful? Marketing Format Content Presence Remember, you are the only person who can market yourself. Keep these simple lessons in mind when searching for a job and good luck! To view references click
References Koukol, D. (2008, May 19). 44 resume writing tips. Retrieved from Doyle, A. (2010, September 15). 10 cover letter tips - top ten cover letter tips. Retrieved from