King Cotton is dead UK getting cotton elsewhere Thinks its best to stay NEUTRAL Trent Affair 2 Conf. diplomats seeking European help Trent Union ship stops Trent; arrests men UK threatens war
What is it? Lincoln suspends it Gives Union to arrest who they want w/o telling them why Jefferson Davis uses same power
Draft Conf = 1862; Union 1863 Conf 18-35; Able white men If rich enough, could hire a sub if planter with ≥ 20 slaves, also exempt Union 20-40; required to serve for at least 3 years $300 fee to get out of draft Army mostly volunteers
Food shortage Man power used up Union occupies farming territory Loss of slaves Food prices ↑
Relatively + Soldiers had what they needed Standard of living declines Wages couldn’t keep up with prices First income tax
Men aren’t bathing Disease Nurses Clara Barton – Union Nurse Conf. only had volunteer nurses
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