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TOOLS Organization Gathering Collaborating Process & Share Resource: 15 Tools for Developing a Learning Network, David R. Wetzel oping_a_learning_network oping_a_learning_network
GATHERING TOOLS iGoogle: Google Reader: Bloglines:
COLLABORATION TOOLS LinkedIn Delicious Diigo Twitter – Flickr –
PROCESS & SHARE TOOLS Google Docs – Bubblus FreeMind - _Page _Page
These are just a few of the bizillion tools available Start with 1 and add slowly Make sure you have an organizational tool to capture all your other tools Be sure to include time in your day to review your incoming ideas and thoughts You are in charge – don’t let the buffet make you ill! A learning network consists of the entire set of resources that you use to answer questions, provide context and illustrate processes. (David Wetzel, 2010)