Presentation Review of a Consulting FirmPresentation Review of a Consulting Firm OSACTIVE WEAROSACTIVE WEAR Mountain Stream Co. CEO – Ian Hatman CFO – Joe Imatani CIO – Monee Madrigale
Final Decision Overview Class Reactions to Reading List –Positive / Negative Mountain Stream Reaction to Reading List –Positive / Negative Class Reactions to Presentation –Positive / Negative Mountain Stream Reactions to Presentation –Positive / Negative
Class – Positive Reactions to Reading List “Very informative articles. They covered everything that we needed to know about the topics. Also, there is very consistent formatting, which proves to be very effective in finding different articles”. “Reading list was formatted in an attractive manner. The readings seemed at the right technical level, and were easy to understand, bringing up key points”. “I thought the best part of the reading list was the extensive background reading on computer forensics. It is a complicated process and I thought reading offered sufficient knowledge to understand the topic”.
Class – Negative Reactions to Reading List “A bit too much reliance on one article for several topics. Not a bad idea, but they probably could've branched out a little more”. “Possibly more articles to do with the consuming groups problem. I thought the information was not directed towards the consuming group specifically, but perhaps there is no article that addresses the problem”. A little concerned with they typos in the reading list as well as some of the more obscure articles. "the CFI can uses programs to cull them for your review." Proof reading? “Not bad. Interested in seeing your presentation”.
The Advantages of Computer Forensics article was extremely helpful. It eased our minds knowing that searches are conducted carefully, and that specialists do their best to preserve the data. The Disadvantages of Computer Forensics article was also helpful. Knowing that it is possible to lose some data during the search process, our company will make sure to save any vital data to an external hard drive before the search process begins. The Computer Security Basics Article informed us about the importance of a secure operating system. If we had any viruses that passed our security measures, they could be set off during the forensics search. Mountain Stream – Positive Reactions to Reading List
We would have liked to have read a case study that somewhat pertained to our topic. Perhaps a case study where computer forensics was used in an audit. More articles that talked about the use of computer forensics in business and property crimes rather than violent crimes. Other than that, the reading list was put together very well. Mountain Stream – Negative Reactions to Reading List
Class – Positive Reactions to Presentation “Simple clear and gives a good example about the subject. For a "two-member" group doing the presentation, this group did a great job of presenting.” “The presenters knew what they were talking about, and presented the information in a way that kept the class's attention.” “This group did a really good job with linking current issues with their topic. I liked the handout they gave before their presentation, it was interesting and related well to their topic.”
“Taking a break in the presentation for us to silently read to ourselves seemed to break up the presentation flow. Maybe rather read it aloud, summarize and discuss it. -I think you lost people's attention there.” “I thought you could of engaged the class a little more, simply because people can relate to this topic, not just corporations. Good job though.” Class – Negative Reactions to Presentation “It would have been better if the presenters weren't reading off notes verbatim. Give a little more expansion than the slides or the notes. It cuts down on credibility if you don't look at the audience.”
Did a good job of informing us in ways to safeguard our company by taking a snapshot/image of our hard drive periodically. Video was a nice change of pace as well as informative and very relevant. In-depth cost breakdown including different options for computer security and forensics vendors and companies. Addressed all of our questions about computer security and forensics. Mountain Stream – Positive Reactions to Presentation
The handout was a good way to get the class involved, but the long pause interrupted the flow of the presentation. The presentation began slow as you started to read off a speech, but picked up nicely after you became comfortable in front of the crowd. There were really no flaws in your presentation. Mountain Stream – Negative Reactions to Presentation
Final Decision After hearing OS Activewear’s Presentation, we have decided to outsource our forensics needs to a specialized company. The process seems too technical for our IT personnel, and our company data is too important to risk losing or destroying it. From the options that they offered, we would prefer Digital Medix because of the lower cost, but we will continue to search for a more affordable company. Also, after hearing the lower price of Zone Alarm, we are going to consider switching from the higher priced vendor, McAfee.