Fruits and Vegetables
Botanical Names-Veggies Tubers Potato Roots Beets Turnips Carrots Radishes Sweet potato Bulbs Onion Garlic Stem Celery Mushrooms Asparagus (stem) Seeds Beans Peas Corn Flower Cauliflower Broccoli Asparagus (tops) Leaves Brussels sprouts Cabbage Lettuce Spinach Greens Bok Choy Fruit Tomato Green pepper Squash Cucumber Pumpkin zucchini Botanical Names-Veggies
Color=nutrients Red Green White Yellow Other nutrients A, C, Thiamin (B1) iron Green A, B, C, iron, calcium White B, C, iron, calcium Yellow A, B, C, calcium Other nutrients Chlorophyll, carbohydrates, incomplete proteins Color=nutrients
Selecting Fresh Veggies Crisp Bright color Firmness Soundness Absence of bruises and decay Not overripe Selecting Fresh Veggies
Botanical Names-Fruits Pome Apple, pear, kiwi Drupe Peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, plum, prune Berries Raspberries, strawberry, grape Citrus Grapefruit, lemon, orange, lime Melon Casaba, cantaloupe, watermelon Tropical Banana, mango, pomegranate, avocado, pineapple, gauava, papaya Botanical Names-Fruits
Selecting Fresh Fruits Buy Firm to the touch, the right color, well- shaped, heavy for size, aromatic, in good condition Avoid Too soft or too hard, green or underripe, damaged, bruised, decayed, mildewed, discolored Selecting Fresh Fruits
More selection tips Canned: Frozen: Dried Fruit Canned: They can be whole, sliced, or in pieces. Come packed in juice or light, heavy or extra heavy syrup Packed in cans or jars Purchase the size container that meets your needs Usually less expensive than frozen or fresh Cost depends on brand, can size, quality, and packing liquid Jars free from dents, bulges, leaks Cover and store in separate container after opening Dried Fruit Most common: raisins, prunes, dates, and apricots Other common fruits: apples, peaches pears, figs, pineapple, bananas, and papayas Come in boxes or plastic bags Larger fruits generally cost more than smaller fruits Choose fruits that are fairly soft and pliable Store unopened in a cool, dry, dark place After opening store in air tight containers. Frozen: Available sweetened and unsweetened Whole or in pieces Most common: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries Most come in plastic bags, and paper/plastic cartons May lose texture quality during freezing Less expensive than fresh Cost depends on brand, packaging, size, added ingredients such as sweetener Choose clean, undamaged, and frozen solid Store in coldest part of freezer After thawing store in tightly covered container in refrigerator Use as soon as possible and do not refreeze More selection tips
Storing Fresh Fruits Citrus Other ripe fruit Cut fruit Underripe Room temperature or brown paper bag until ripened Bananas Uncovered at room temperature May be refrigerated-skin may darken, but they are still good Berries, Cherries, Grapes Remove any that are damaged, refrigerate in perforated plastic bag or container, shallow container, refrigerator crisper Use as soon as possible Citrus Room temperature or refrigerator Other ripe fruit Refrigerate in crisper or in a perforated plastic bag Melons should be in a closed container or plastic bag Cut fruit Refrigerate in airtight container or plastic bag Storing
Vegetables Other vegetables Potatoes Onions Cool, dark, dry place Do not refrigerate Onions Cool, dry, area Basket or loosely woven bag for air circulation Do not store with potatoes Other vegetables Perforated plastic bags, airtight containers, refrigerator crisper Let tomatoes ripen before refrigerating