CLICK SCREEN TO FIND THE ANSWER 1)We inhale oxygen from the air 2)The oxygen we inhale goes down our trachea 3)The oxygen goes into the lungs 4)The oxygen goes through small canals called capillaries 5)The capillaries deliver it into the blood stream 6)Once in the blood stream cells absorb the oxygen
1) You put the food in your mouth 2) Chew the food to make it smaller 3) Once food is swallowed it goes down out throat and into the stomach where it is made smaller and easier to digest 4) Then it goes into our intestines where it is separate into nutrients and waste 5) After the food goes through the intestines, the nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream 6) Once in the blood stream the cells will absorb the nutrients it needs. CLICK SCREEN TO SEE ANSWER
1)When a certain part of the body losses energy it releases carbon dioxide. 2)It sends the carbon dioxide to the blood stream 3)Once in the lungs the carbon dioxide is exhaled through the mouth. CLICK SCREEN TO FIND THE ANSWER
1)Once a part of the body creates liquid waste, the liquid waste gets delivered to the blood stream 2)Once it is in the blood stream the kidney takes it 3)The kidney cleans out the blood. 4)The waste found in blood stream will exit through the anus. CLICK SCREEN TO SEE ANSWER
Epithelial tissue- it covers all of the organs and the outer body Red Blood tissue- to carry oxygen and nutrients through out the body Muscle tissue- Enables the body to move around (the mouth needs to move in this process) Nerve tissue-It will send messages to your brain telling it that you have to go to the bathroom, and when you are getting hungry. CLICK SCREEN TO SEE ANSWER
Stomach- to digest food Large and small intestines- to digest food and split it into waste and energy Rectum- allows you to release feces Heart- to pump blood through the body to deliver oxygen and energy Lungs- to store and gather oxygen and release CO2 Mouth- To break down food and cover it with saliva in order for it to go down your throat Esophagus/throat- to swallow food to the stomach or deliver oxygen to the lungs CLICK SCREEN TO SEE ANSWER
Nervous System- This system sends messages through the body Muscular system-Allows body to move around Circulatory system-Pumps blood, oxygen and nutrients to cells Digestive system-digest food into smaller particles so the cells can absorbed the nutrients Execratory system- Waste products go through this system to leave the body. CLICK SCREEN TO SEE ANSWER
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