Basic FBA to BSP Module 6: Implementation and Evaluation Planning Using FBA to Develop Function-Based Support for Students with Mild to Moderate Problem Behavior Module 6: Implementation and Evaluation Planning
Adapt BSP and implementation as needed based on on-going monitoring The Basic FBA to BSP Process 1. Define the Problem Behavior 2. Conduct assessment for behavior support planning a. Functional Behavioral Assessment • Defining behavior in observable & measureable terms • Ask staff and student about where, when, & why behavior occurs • See the behavior during specified routines • Hypothesize a final summary of where, when, & why behavior occurs 3. Design an individualized behavior support plan (BSP) • Ensure technical adequacy • Ensure contextual fit 4. Ensure Fidelity of Implementation 5. Monitor Plan Impact on Student Behavior Adapt BSP and implementation as needed based on on-going monitoring Adapted from Horner, Albin, Todd, Newton & Sprague, 2011
Basic FBA to BSP Training Series Module 1- Teaching Basic Principles Module 2- FBA: Practice Interviewing Module 3- FBA: Practice Observing Module 4- Critical Features of BSP Module 5- Building BSP from FBA Module 6- Implementation & Evaluation Module 7- Leading a BSP Team
Basic vs. Complex FBA/BSP Focus of this training series Basic Complex For: Students with mild to moderate problem behaviors (behaviors that are NOT dangerous or occurring in many settings) Students with moderate to severe behavioral problems; may be dangerous and/or occurring in many settings What: Relatively Simple and Efficient process for behavior support planning based on “practical” FBA data Time-intensive process that involves emergency planning, family-centered planning, and collaboration with outside agencies Developed by whom: Team of school-based professionals (e.g., PBS team members whose job responsibilities include FBA and behavior support planning) School-based team including professionals trained to develop and implement intensive interventions for students with severe problem behaviors (e.g., behavior specialist) How typical school team members can develop Relatively simple and efficient behavior support plans for student with mild to moderate 4 4 4
Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: Explain the meaning and importance of “Contextual Fit” Describe the essential components of implementation plans Define the necessary components of evaluation plans and provide examples of appropriate short- and long-term goals Describe data collection procedures that would be used to track implementation fidelity and student progress when provided with a sample BSP
Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: Explain the role of BSP Team Leader and team members in support plan development Identify the specific activities that the team leader will engage in before, during, and after the team-based BSP development process Describe the process for conducting and products that should result from a Plan Review Meeting Lead a “team” of professionals through the process of developing a sample BSP
Review #1 Name two problems with this competing behavior pathway. Complete writing task Success, teacher acknowledgment Routine: Language Arts Breaks from school (weekends, illness, holidays) Asked to complete Independent writing tasks Function: Escape academic tasks and Access peer and adult attention Disrespect and Disruption Raise hand & ask for break 7 7
Review #2 What are the three essential characteristics of the replacement behavior? Same function as the problem behavior Easier to do than the problem behavior Socially acceptable
Review #3 What are the 3 types of intervention strategies that must be included in the BSP? #1: Prevention Strategies #2: Teaching Strategies #3: Consequence Strategies
Review #4 All BSPs should include what 2 types of CONSEQUENCE strategies? Maximize Reinforcement for Replacement and Desired Behaviors Minimize reinforcement / the “payoff” for problem behavior
Contextual Fit
Selecting Behavior Support Strategies Once the team has identified function-based support strategies it is important to also: Ensure CONTEXTUAL FIT of those strategies by actively involving implementers in finalizing interventions & supports This can occur in the Implementation Planning meeting
What is Contextual Fit? Why is It Important? Contextual fit refers to the extent to which support strategies “fit” with: The skills and values of the implementers The available resources Administrative supports in place In other words… How FEASIBLE are the strategies? Strategies with good “fit” are more likely to be implemented with fidelity!!
Considerations to Help Ensure Contextual Fit Are plan implementers involved in the design/selection? Are strategies consistent with the skills of the implementers? How much additional training would be needed? Who would provide training? Are necessary resources available (staff, time, space)? Are there other interventions already being implemented in our school that can be modified to fit this student’s particular needs? Do the selected strategies fit with the values of team members and those who will be implementing the plan? Are they perceived as (a) likely to be effective, and (b) in the best interest of the student? Will there be administrative support for the selected interventions/strategies? Is the plan consistent with current school-wide discipline procedures?
Implementation & Evaluation Planning
Critical Components of Behavior Support Plans #1: Competing Behavior Pathway #2: Function-Based Preventive, Teaching, & Consequence Strategies #3: Implementation Plan #4: Evaluation Plan
BSP Team & Implementation Planning
Role of the Team Leader Primary role of the Team Leader is to Guide the team members in the development of a Function-based, Contextually Relevant plan Specific tasks: Display/provide necessary information for team members to see/use throughout the process Guide team in selecting Function-Based preventive, teaching, and consequence strategies Ensure that ALL team members participate in the process and agree with outcomes (assess Contextual Fit of the plan) Ensure that the BSP includes all necessary components, including Implementation and Evaluation plans * The process will take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Basic BSP Team Members Basic BSP Team Leader Staff member with: a. Basic Behavioral Knowledge b. Understanding of FBA c. The Role of Leading BSP Teams Team Members Teachers & Staff who work w/ student (Gen Ed & SPED staff as appropriate) Meeting Facilitator Ensure Technical Adequacy, Monitor Progress Implementer(s) w/ Knowledge of Student & Context Rate Contextual Fit ***For more challenging cases, make sure to involve Behavior Specialist Behavioral Expertise/ Case Manager & Facilitator
Before the Meeting Team Leader: Schedule meeting & make sure the right people are in attendance Review FBA results for a COMPLETE summary statement, including: Observable definition of problem behavior Routine(s) in which problem behavior occurs Antecedents (setting events & triggers) Primary Function of the problem behavior Complete the Competing Behavior Pathway with Potential Interventions that are consistent with the FBA information
The Team Meeting First: Competing Behavior Pathway Provide team members with copies of the Competing Behavior Pathway form with FBA summary statement. 22
What you Need: Completed Competing Pathway & Potential Intervention Strategies Your Roadmap for Intervention Planning This form is used to guide intervention planning – it’s a support to the behavior specialist and the team to facilitate the selection of final interventions (which much involve the implementers to ensure contextual fit) during the Implementation Planning meeting Pot’l Interventions to facilitate Planning
The Team Meeting First: Competing Behavior Pathway Provide team members with copies of the Competing Behavior Pathway form with FBA summary statement. Before moving forward: Summarize the Summary of Behavior & ensure all team members agree on: 1. The Problem Behavior and Context in which it is most likely to occur 2. The Function of the problem behavior 24
Summarizing the Competing Behavior Pathway 1. Start by reviewing the FBA & assessment information “Based on the FBA, which included assessments (interview, observation, etc.) with who? … we found the following information about Harrison’s problem behavior.” During Routine, when Antecedent Harrison is most likely to Problem Behavior because he is Consequence, as a result he gets to Function.
Building the Competing Behavior Pathway Have team members finalize the Competing Behavior by observably defining: The Replacement Behavior The Desired Behavior Ensure the team selects a Replacement behavior that is: Functionally equivalent to problem behavior Easier to do than problem behavior Socially acceptable
Summarizing the Competing Behavior Pathway This is the long-term goal 2. Review the Alternate Behavior & Check Acceptability with Implementers (Contextual Fit) “I’ve suggested two potential Alternate Behaviors; Ask for a break or an easier task… This is the short term goal while we build up H’s math skills. The alternate behavior must provide the same outcome as the problem behavior,” Will this work? Other ideas?
Identifying Behavior Support Strategies Use the completed intervention strategies form to guide conversation to finalize interventions for Implementation It may be necessary to provide an example strategy under some or all of these categories, then ask team members to suggest additional strategies. Pot’l Interventions to facilitate Planning
Implementation Planning Finalizing a Plan What specific activities will be involved? Requires input from the implementer to ensure Contextual Fit Who is responsible for implementing each part of the intervention? When will each part of the plan be implemented?
Implementation Planning What Who When This page will become the ‘contract’, the final plan, what we are committing to implement The strategies identified above will help guide the process of finalizing interventions for Implementation
Finalizing the Implementation Plan IMPORTANT!!! Actively involve implementers in determining final interventions for Implementation Specifically identify if the interventions work for the implementers If they DON’T… the intervention will NOT be implemented
Selecting Contextually Appropriate Strategies For each strategy being considered the Team Leader will ask implementers to answer/rate: Do you believe this intervention will be effective for the student? Is this intervention consistent with your values as an educator? Is this intervention feasible for you to implement? Do you have the skills needed? Are the necessary resources (time, space, staff, administrative support) available? If the answer to any of these questions is “maybe” or “no”: Are there ways that the strategy could be modified to make it a better “fit”?
Considering Contextual Fit How can we revise the strategies while still responding effectively to student behavior? Consequence Strategies Reinforce Desired Behavior When on task for 15 min, the student will be allowed to go to back table play a game with a student who has completed work for 5 min. Minimize Reward for Problem Behavior Student will stay after school until math assignments are completed Staff Concern: Staff feel that this reward will be too disruptive to the rest of the class Task Who When Reinforce Desired Behavior When student has been on task for 15 min, she will be allowed to sit quietly at her desk and read or draw for 5 min Minimize Reward for Problem Behavior Student will stay in from recess to complete work Mrs. Rose Mr. Poole 10/21 Staff Concern: Staff agree that this is function-based but is not feasible
Selecting Function-Based Strategies IF team members suggest a strategy that is not function-based, neutral or is contraindicated: Direct team members’ attention back to the competing behavior pathway Use the pathway to Remind team that: 1. We DO want to reward appropriate behavior with the same or similar consequences as those currently maintaining the problem behavior 2. We DO NOT want the student to access reinforcement following problem behavior 3. We also don’t want to add many ‘neutral’ strategies that aren’t directly related to the function remember feasibility
What help/support would you need? Activity (pp. ##) With a Partner (1 person = teacher/ implementer; 1 person = BSP team leader) Confer on suggested interventions below & Finalize consequence interventions Document finalized interventions on Implementation Plan on p. 103 Review the suggested interventions. This is why, this is what it looks like. If not, do you have suggestions for revisions or alternative interventions? Do you think this would work? Does it fit your values? Is this feasible? Are you clear about how to do this? Should we do this? What help/support would you need?
Implementation Planning Considerations It is not enough to simply write down the strategy. We need to consider: Will materials need to be made/gathered (ex. visual reminders, reinforcement system) before we can use this strategy? How (specifically) are we going to teach the replacement behavior When/during what routines? What examples/non-examples will we use? Opportunities to practice? How will we begin teaching desired skills? Will the student need modified assignments? Who will do this?
Setting Event Strategies Antecedent Strategies Consequences Strategies Activity #1(page 85) Using the Implementation Plan template on page 87, work with a partner to list the specific activities that might be involved in implementing the following strategies for Jim: Setting Event Strategies Antecedent Strategies Teaching Strategies Consequences Strategies (No setting event identified) - Provide math and writing assignments that more closely match instructional level - Provide visual prompts (highlighted text, graphic organizers) for writing assignments - Put visual reminder on desk to prompt Jim to ask for a break or easier task - Teach Jim how to appropriately ask for a ‘break’ or for an easier task and when (appropriate times) to do so - Provide additional small-group instruction in multi-digit multiplication and division - Quickly and consistently provide a break or an easier task when he requests appropriately - For every 5 difficult math problems that Jim completes he will earn a sticker. 3 stickers can earn the choice to skip 5 problems - When Jim begins to get upset, remind him to ask for a break - If Jim continues to engage in problem behavior, he will complete his assignment with teacher during “free choice time”
Supporting Implementation Training Team Members
Training Staff How to Implement the BSP The plan will not be implemented if: Staff don’t understand how to do it The plan will not work if: The intervention is being used incorrectly Plan times for Modeling/Roleplay and Feedback Think 20-30 min Roleplay with teacher/staff outside of problem context What actions will be taken, what words will be used, what materials are needed and how will they be used?
Ongoing Feedback The plan will not be implemented if: Staff don’t understand how to do it The plan will not work if: The intervention is being used incorrectly Plan for Observations and Follow-ups to provide feedback, help problem solve, and ensure that intervention is being used as designed Ex. E-mail “check-in”, along with periodic visits/observations Observe plan strategies implemented in the problem context Provide feedback Model correct procedures Problem solve around unexpected situations/results
Key Points Function-based strategies are most likely to be implemented if they also “fit” with the: Skills of the plan implementers Values of the plan implementers Resources available to the plan implementers The role of a BSP team leader is to guide team members in the selection of preventive, teaching, and consequence strategies which: Directly relate to the FUNCTION of the problem behavior Are viewed by the team as CONTEXTUALLY APPROPRIATE Complete BSPs include: An IMPLEMENTATION PLAN specifying Who will do What by When
Check #1 (page 94) What are the 4 critical components of Behavior Support Plans: #1: Competing Behavior Pathway #2: Prevention, Teaching, and Consequence Strategies #3: Implementation Plan #4: Evaluation Plan 43
Check #2 After selecting BSP strategies, Sarah’s team developed an implementation plan detailing: 1. The specific activities/procedures that will be used to implement the plan 2. The persons responsible for implementing each component of the plan What has Sarah’s team forgotten to include? BY WHEN?? A timeline detailing when each activity will be completed
Check #1 (page 104) True or False: The primary role of the team leader is to provide the team members with a function-based, contextually relevant BSP. False. The primary role of the Team Leader is to GUIDE the team in building a complete function-based, contextually appropriate BPS.
Check #4 Behavior Support Plan Knowledge Assessment
Task Over the next two weeks… Use the summary statement and list of strategies for Sheldon (pages 95-96 in your guide) to build: a) An example implementation plan b) An example evaluation plan c) An example data collection form for tracking student progress 47 47
Comments/Questions about Module 6 At the bottom of page 96 please write any comments/questions you may have pertaining to module 6. Thank you for your time & attention! 48 48