Curriculum Mapping by Kendra Jensen & Laura Nelson
What is Curriculum Mapping? Calendar-based process for collecting curriculum data from classroom Provides a basis for examination of that data Maps the journey of learning!
Basic Mapping Elements Essential questions Content Skills Assessments Lesson Plans
Macomb High School’s Mapping Content –Topics are nouns and bold the topic words –Sub topics are to be bulleted Skills –IL Standards ( –Benchmarks –Introduced, Developed, Reinforced Assessments –Bold the “type” (noun) of assessment given –Bullet the short description of assessments –
Why Curriculum Map? Knowing what occurs in each classroom To promote alignment –Internal curriculum within the same subject –Between grades and departments –To district and state standards To give students a seamless journey in their total K-12 experience
Communication Tool Between teachers across grade levels Between teachers in feeding and receiving sites For parents For students
Planning Tool For curriculum reform/renewal For meeting standards For ordering materials, software, etc. For assessment reform
Pedagogical Tool For the new teacher For the special education teacher For designing staff development For sharing effective techniques/lessons
Technology The Curriculum Mapper Web Based Program Communication at our fingertips
Basic Steps of the Process Collect data First read through Mixed peer review Large group review Determine areas for immediate revision Determine areas for long-term planning Continue the cycle
Nuts N’ Bolts Diary Map –Personalized map written at the end of the month— really took place in classroom Projected Map –Planned itinerary Essential Map –Master map created by team Skills –Measurable verbs (Bloome’s) –Descriptors (demonstrated, labeled, and defined) –Defined nouns (test, quiz, and project)
Best Practices—Engage Staff Map to identify gaps Introduce CM as a tool to solve teaching and learning problems Introduce CM as a hub for integrating building and district initiatives Sometimes used as a tool to raise the level— state standards too easy for some
Best Reason Increase student performance –Can meet virtually –Effective schools research –Clear purpose –Required product –Constant focus on students –Opportunity for collaboration and reflection –Establish common ground and shared vision
Results Over time, see significant gains (2 years) See increased complexity in writing—word choice and sentence variety Increase in math scores—which are first and foremost reading tests Professional learning communities—formal process
Staff Development Days Hire subs for two-hour work time to update maps Make a part of regular work load Half-day school work days
Planning Provides an accurate road map
Resources Heidi Hayes Jacobs (Mapping the Big Picture, Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping, go to resources and then bulletin board Macomb School District— Oswego School District— Midland School District—