Ancient India By : Brooke
Food The earliest Indians ate wheat, rice, cow, pigs, sheep, goat, and chicken. Some of the wheat was made into stews or soups, and some into a flat bread called chapatis. Indian people also ate sugar cane, which grew naturally in India.
Fashion Clothing worn by Indians changes mostly by region. They wore bright, loose clothing because of the hot climate. An Indian will rarely wear tight clothes because loose clothing lets the air flow through.
Unanswered questions What was their symbol? Did they have any ethical issues? Did they have any wars? Did they worship Gods or did they not even worship at all?
Geography India and the countries around it are so mostly the same in culture and weather conditions that India was sometimes called the Indian Subcontinent. In the northern part of India there is the Himalayan Mountains and the Hindu Kush in the North West.
Art India has very realistic art. Because of this you may be fooled! Most of India's art was religious. Temples in India 1,500 years old have been painted on by Indians for all these years.
Resources World Book Student; Diigo; I ndian food history for kids; for learn/ india/ food/ A ncient india geography; indian-history/ ancient-india/ A ncient india art; art.htn I ndia´s ancient art; /
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