Lokah ta kwara 碧候國小 歡迎你 Biho elemetary school Welcome you 報告者:朱寶能老師 Monica 聯絡方式: 承辦人:教學組長 游兆安 Clement 聯絡方式:
General Situation Area : m 2 Staff and teachers : 18 people Students : 120 people No. of class : 6
Featured courses Tradition and culture learning course Arts and Craft challenging Mother tongue and English game
Tradition and culture learning
Arts and Craft
Mother tongue & English game
Outdoor Activities Road Running Sports Day Tradition Learning Activity Excursions : English village 、 Green Expo
Road Running
Sports Day
Festival Celebrations Teacher’s Day Christmas Day & dancing competition New Year Celebration Mother’s Day
Teacher’s Day Celebration
Christmas &New Year Celebration
Mother’s Day Celebration
School Clubs Tayal dancing team Soccer team Music club Track and Field team
Tayal dancing team
Soccer team
Come join us! A year’s time can be either long or short. If you wish to experience special Taiwanese culture, come to Tayal tribe and join us!