Or... What happens when Sponge Bob meets Bob the Builder??? 1
What elements were included in the Master Plan ? Chancel Renovation (accessibility, new flooring, additional power, and data connectivity) Education Wing Renovation (re-configure classrooms and offices, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) renovation, energy efficient lighting and windows) 2 Kitchen (upper floor) and restrooms (both floors) renovation
What elements were included in the Master Plan? 3 Tower entrance (eliminates this as a formal entrance; makes it a prayer room) Entry Canopy over primary entrance Fellowship hall (new floor, walls, ceiling, lighting)
What Master Plan Elements were targeted for Phase 1 in the Capital Campaign? 4 * Replace Roof over Education building and Narthex (all of the flat roof) and add insulation * Replace South wall of Education building (eliminating single-pane windows) * Elevator and Narthex (install elevator w/ upgraded power, replace ramps with stairs, eliminate the lower level kitchen and create a warming/catering kitchen, renovate narthex)
Elevator / Narthex /Kitchen$420,200 Roof$116,200 South Wall$195,000 Loan$61,400 Consultant / campaign/ other$37,200 ======== Total $830,000 5 Estimated costs of elements targeted for Phase 1 in Capital Campaign
Actual Funds Available for Phase 1 Pledged $601,000 Debts charged to Capital Campaign & paid Loan – $58,500 Consultant services & marketing expenses $25,500 Phase 1 Interest & Fees (estimate) Professional Fees – (architect & engineer)$55,000 Construction loan interest$30,000 Total Encumbered expenses$169,000 Available for construction $432,000 6
Sustainability of our facility Accessibility Greening (environmental sustainability) Interdependency among plan elements Funds available 7
Sustainability of our facility— In the traditional sense; not the environmental sense. With a history of deferred maintenance, EUCC has two areas of “dire need”— a) A roof that is about 10 years past its expected service life and b) A 60+ year old boiler that is inefficient, marginally effective, prone to excessive maintenance, and becoming more costly to repair (since parts are in short supply). Accessibility Making our facility truly inclusive of and available to all. This includes ease of movement between floors, accessible entrances from all parking areas and accessible restrooms. Greening Being good stewards of this earth by minimizing our impact on the environment. This includes improvements to the roof (insulation), South Wall, HVAC and lighting. 8
Interdependency among plan elements 9 1.The elevator, as designed is linked to the costly renovations of the main kitchen, ramp, and Narthex. It is dependent on completion of electrical upgrades. (Note that even moderate renovations of the main kitchen could generate extreme costs to bring the facility up to current codes). 2.The South Wall replacement is linked to electrical changes (since this is the entry point for the building’s electrical service) 3.The South Wall is linked to the roof replacement since they share a common interface. Elevator Ramp Kitchen Roof South Wall Electrical
Questions Raised w/ Available Funds 1.What is best value for funds available ? 2.Questions focused on expenditures that provide maximum protection & improvement to the building ? 3.Expenditures that have the most positive effect on the largest portion of congregation ? 4.Expenditures will help us return to the “Still Speaking God” the energy and resources provided? 5.What are our needs vs. our wants? 6.With limited resources this had to be our focus……. 10
It’s our Time(line) Design/build work In progress Submit funding proposal to Governing Body November Construction Estimates due to committee December Present funding proposal to congregation December Small group meetings December Funding Option Challenge December Final Scope of work recommendation January Project Recommendation to congregation January Begin work based on congregational decision February 11
What Master Plan elements are included in the current Design/Build process? Estimated Construction Dollars Available $432,000 * Projections are based on original MP estimates from Insulated roof and updated drainage system$116,200 2.South Wall redesigned w/ “Green” components to reflect a $195,000 “ Still Speaking” vs. God has spoken building. 3.HVAC system Update worship/narthex/fellowship $173,000 Energy efficiency -significant waste w/present system 1.Electrical system Upgraded $145,000 Required for current needs Required for elevator and future elements of Master Plan Relocation from South wall Sub-total $629,200 Opportunity ($197,200) 12
What does this mean for members of the EUCC congregation? 1.We want this information to help you understand the process we’ve been through over the past three months 2.Please talk with any member of the Building Committee for any clarification and/or to share your views and creative ideas! 3.Please consider how we embrace this challenge...together 13