Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Thompson
Clicker Question Find the quotient: 2x 4 y 5 4x 5 y 4 (A) 2xy(B) xy(C) y(D) 2x 2 2x y
Daily Agenda 9/21/11; SUPPORT Notebook Quiz! Review Assignment from yesterday Quiz Tomorrow!! Exponents Like Terms Distributing Unit 1 Test Analysis & Corrections
Notebook Quiz 2A (covers only MATH 1 days) 1.What workbook page was our “Practice/Assignment” on Thursday, September 1? 2.From our “Rational Parent Function” Notes taken on Tuesday, September 6: On the back of the first page, where we were plotting points for f(x) = 1/x… when x = 1.5, what is the value of f(x)? 3.What America’s Choice lesson was assigned on Tuesday, September 13? 4.On the 2 nd page of our Unit 1 Test Study Guide (worked on from Mon. 9/12 to Thurs. 9/15): On question #5 under standard MM1A1d, f(x) = ________. (HINT: You are looking for a quadratic function to fill in the blank.)
Yesterday’s Assignment I’m pretty disappointed at the lack of effort I saw from SOME of you. YOU CAN COMPLETE THIS TODAY OR TONIGHT TO REDEEM FULL CREDIT – DUE TOMORROW!! We will go over A FEW problems and have a quiz tomorrow over: – Exponents (multiplying and dividing) – Like Terms (adding and subtracting) – Distributing (what operation is distributing?)
Work Time 1 st priority: TEST CORRECTIONS Due Friday, you can NOT take the test packet home!* Remember that you must provide: – The CORRECT answer – A complete & sensible mathematic justification *If you do NOT do these two things, you will NOT get ½ credit back!* 2 nd priority: COMPLETING YESTERDAY’S WORKSHEETS Must turn it in AND you’ll be quizzed over this TOMORROW!! I am available to answer questions on either of these things. If you’re done with all of this, please come grab a handout to participate in a REALLY AWESOME writing activity!!!