LEED NC Credit Summary NUMBERS & NAMES Slide Editor: James A. Strapko LEED Source:
Credit Numbers 32 Credits; 69 Points WEc1.1 WEc1.2 WEc2 WEc3.1 WEc3.2 MRPR1 MRc1.1 MRc1.2 MRc1.3 MRc2.1 MRc2.2 MRc3.1 MRc3.2 MRc4.1 MRc4.2 MRc5.1 MRc5.2 MRc6 MRc7 SSPR1 SSc1 SSc2 SSc3 SSc4.1 SSc4.2 SSc4.3 SSc4.4 SSc5.1 SSc5.2 SSc6.1 SSc6.2 SSc7.1 SSc7.2 SSc8 EQPR1 EQPR2 EQc1 EQc2 EQc3.1 EQc3.2 EQc4.1 EQc4.2 EQc4.3 EQc4.4 EQc5 EQc6.1 EQc6.2 EQc7.1 EQc7.2 EQc8.1 EQc8.2 EAPR1 EAPR2 EAPR3 EAc1 EAc2 EAc3 EAc4 EAc5 EAc6 IDc1 IDc2
WE Water Efficiency
Water Efficiency 3 Credits; 5 Points; 3 Potential ID WEc1.1: Water Efficient Landscaping – 50% Reduction WEc1.2: Water Efficient Landscaping – No Potable Water or No Irrigation WEc2: Innovative Wastewater Technologies Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point for either: – Zero use - 100% reduction in potable water for conveying sewerage – 100% On-site treatment & reuse/infiltration of wastewater
Water Efficiency 3 Credits; 5 Points; 3 Potential ID WEc3.1: Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction WEc3.2: Water Use Reduction, 30% Reduction Exemplary Performance/ID, 2 points: – 40% Reduction in (Regulated) Water Use – 10% Saving in Process & Non-regulated Water Use
Water Efficiency 3 Credits; 5 Points WEc1.1: W___ E___ L___ – ___% R___ WEc1.2: W___ E___ L___ – No P___ W___ or No I___ WEc2: I___ W___ T___ ExPerf/ID, 1 point for either: – Z___ use - ___% reduction in p___ w___ for conveying s___ – ___% On-s___ t___ & r___/i___ of wastewater WEc3.1: W___ U___ R___, ___% R___ WEc3.2: W___ U___ R___, ___% R___ ExPerf/ID, 2 points: – ___% Reduction in (R___) W___ U___ – ___% Saving in P___ & N___-R___ W___ U___
MR Materials & Resources
Materials & Resources 7 Credits; 13 Points; 6 Potential ID MRPR1: Storage & Collection of Recyclables MRc1.1: Building Reuse, 75% Walls Floors Roof MRc1.2: Building Reuse, 95% Walls Floors Roof MRc1.3: Building Reuse, Maintain 50% Interior Non-Structural MRc2.1: Construction Waste Management, Divert 50% MRc2.2: Construction Waste Management, Divert 75% Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: Divert 95% MRc3.1: Material Reuse 5% of TCM Reused Items (TCM = Total Construction Materials) MRc3.2: Material Reuse 10% of TCM Reused Items Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: 15% Reused Items
Materials & Resources 7 Credits; 13 Points; 6 Potential ID MRc4.1: Recycled Content (Post+Pre/2), 10% of TCM Cost (Post+Pre/2 = Post Consumer Cost + half Pre-Consumer Cost) MRc4.2: Recycled Content (Post+Pre/2), 20% of TCM Cost Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: 30% of TCM Cost Recycled Content MRc5.1: Regional Materials, 10% of TCM EPM Regionally (EPM = Extracted, Processed, Manufactured) MRc5.2: Regional Materials, 20% of TCM EPM Regionally Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: 40% of TCM EPM Regionally MRc6: Rapidly Renewable Materials, 2.5% of TCM RRM Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: 5% of TCM RRM MRc7: Certified Wood, 50% Wood Material Value($) FSC; Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: 95% WMV($) FSC
Materials & Resources 7 Credits; 13 Points; 6 Potential ID MRPR1: S___ & C___ of R___ MRc1.1: B___ R___, ___% W___ F___ R___ MRc1.2: B___ R___, ___% W___ F___ R___ MRc1.3: B___ R___, M___ ___% I___ N___-S___ MRc2.1: C___ W___ M___, D___ ___% MRc2.2: C___ W___ M___, D___ ___% ExPerf/ID ___% MRc3.1: M___ R___ ___% of TCM R___ M___ MRc3.2: M___ R___ ___% of TCM R___ M___ ExPerf/ID ___%
Materials & Resources 7 Credits; 13 Points; 6 Potential ID MRc4.1: R___ C___, ___% of TCM R___ C___ MRc4.2: R___ C___, ___% of TCM R___ C___ ExPerf/ID ___% MRc5.1: R___ M___, ___% of TCM EPM R___ MRc5.2: R___ M___, ___% of TCM EPM R___ ExPerf/ID ___% MRc6: R___ R___ M___, ___% of TCM RRM ExPerf/ID ___% MRc7: C___ W___, ___% WMV($) FSC ExPerf/ID ___%
SS Sustainable Sites
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points: 6 Potential ID SSPR1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention SSc1: Site Selection SSc2: Development Density & Community Connectivity Exemplary Performance/ID 1 point for Option 1, Either: – Project density >= 2x density of surroundings – Average density of surroundings >= 120,000 sf per acre SSc3: Brownfield Development
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points; 6 Potential ID SSc4.1: Alternate Transport, Public Transport Access Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – Institute comprehensive transport management plan reducing auto use through multiple (transport) options SSc4.2: Alternate Transport, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms SSc4.3: Alternate Transport, Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles SSc4.4: Alternate Transport, Parking Capacity
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points; 6 Potential ID SSc5.1: Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – Previously developed sites : keep 75% (instead of 50%) site as green /vegetated with native species SSc5.2: Site Development, Maximize Open Space Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – case 1: open space to exceed local codes by 50% (instead of 25%) – case 2: open space to double building footprint (instead of match) – case 3: open space to be 40% of site area (instead of 20%)
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points; 6 Potential ID SSc6.1: Stormwater Design, Quantity Control SSc6.2: Stormwater Design, Quality Control SSc7.1: Heat Island Effect, Non-roof Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – option 1: provide 100% (instead of 50%) of site shade for 5 year occupancy – option 2: provide 100% (instead of 50%) of parking underground or under roof SSc7.2: Heat Island Effect, Roof Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – 100% of project’s roof area (excluding mechanical equipment, photovoltaic panels, and skylights) is composed of green roof system SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points: 6 Potential ID SSPR1: C___ A___ P___ Prevention SSc1: S___ Selection SSc2: D___ D___ & C___ C___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc3: Brown___ D___ SSc4.1: A___ T___, P___ T___ A___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc4.2: A___ T___, B___ S___ & C___ R___ SSc4.3: A___ T___, L___-E___ & F___-E___ V___ SSc4.4: A___ T___, P___ C___
Sustainable Sites 8 Credits; 14 Points; 6 Potential ID SSc5.1: S___ D___, P___ or R___ H___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc5.2: S___ D___, M___ O___ S___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc6.1: S___ D___, Q___ C___ SSc6.2: S___ D___, Q___ C___ SSc7.1: H___ I___ E___, N___-r___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc7.2: H___ I___ E___, R___ Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: SSc8: L___ P___ R___
(I)EQ Indoor Environmental Quality
Indoor Environmental Quality 8 Credits; 15 Points; 2 Potential ID EQPR1: Minimum Indoor Air Quality EQPR2: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control EQc1: Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring EQc2: Increase Ventilation EQc3.1: Construction IAQ Management, During Construction EQc3.2: Construction IAQ Management, Before Occupancy EQc4.1: Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants EQc4.2: Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings EQc4.3: Low-Emitting Materials, Carpet Systems EQc4.4: Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber
Indoor Environmental Quality 8 Credits; 15 Points: 2 Potential ID EQc5: Indoor Chemical Pollutant Source Control EQc6.1: Controllability of Systems, Lighting EQc6.2: Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort EQc7.1: Thermal Comfort, Design EQc7.2: Thermal Comfort, Verification EQc8.1: Daylighting & Views, Daylight 75% of Spaces Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – Provide daylighting for 95% (instead of 75%) of occupied areas EQc8.2: Daylighting & Views, Views 90% of Spaces Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – No prescribed threshold; evaluated case-by-case
Indoor Environmental Quality 8 Credits; 15 Points; 2 Potential ID EQPR1: Minimum I___ A___ Q___ EQPR2: E___ T___ S___ (ETS) Control EQc1: O___ A___ Delivery Monitoring EQc2: Increase V___ EQc3.1: Construction IAQ Management, D___ C___ EQc3.2: Construction IAQ Management, B___ O___ EQc4.1: Low-Emitting Materials, A___ & S___ EQc4.2: Low-Emitting Materials, P___ & C___ EQc4.3: Low-Emitting Materials, C___ S___ EQc4.4: Low-Emitting Materials, C___ W___ & A___
Indoor Environmental Quality 8 Credits; 15 Points; 2 Potential ID EQc5: Indoor C___ P___ Source Control EQc6.1: C___ of Systems, L___ EQc6.2: C___ of Systems, T___ C___ EQc7.1: T___ Comfort, D___ EQc7.2: T___ Comfort, V___ EQc8.1: D___ & Views, D___ ___% of Spaces EQc8.2: D___ & Views, V___ ___% of Spaces
EA Energy & Atmosphere
Energy & Atmosphere 6 Credits; 17 Points EAPR1: Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems EAPR2: Minimum Energy Performance EAPR3: Fundamental Refrigerant Management EAc1, (1-10 points): Optimize Energy Performance Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – Provide an additional 3.5% improvement (45.5% for new buildings, 38.5% for existing buildings ) EAc2, (1-3 points): On-Site Renewable Energy Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – Provide 17.5% renewable energy
Energy & Atmosphere 6 Credits; 17 Points EAc3: Enhanced Commissioning EAc4: Enhanced Refrigerant Management EAc5: Measurement & Verification EAc6: Green Power Exemplary Performance/ID, 1 point: – At least 70% of the building's electricity each year for two years (double base credit) – A contract of four years or longer in which 35% of more electricity is provided each year (double base credit)
Energy & Atmosphere 6 Credits; 17 Points EAPR1: F___ C___ of B___ E___ S___ EAPR2: M___ E___ P___ EAPR3: F___ R___ M___ EAc1: O___ E___ P___ EAc2: O___-S___ R___ E___ EAc3: E___ C___ EAc4: E___ R___ M___ EAc5: M___ & V___ EAc6: G___ P___
ID Innovation in Design
Innovation in Design 0 Credits; 5 Points IDc1, (1-4 points): Innovation in Design Process IDc2: LEED AP
LEED NC Credit Summary NUMBERS & NAMES Slide Editor: James A. Strapko LEED Source:
Credit Numbers 32 Credits; 69 Points WEc1.1 WEc1.2 WEc2 WEc3.1 WEc3.2 MRPR1 MRc1.1 MRc1.2 MRc1.3 MRc2.1 MRc2.2 MRc3.1 MRc3.2 MRc4.1 MRc4.2 MRc5.1 MRc5.2 MRc6 MRc7 SSPR1 SSc1 SSc2 SSc3 SSc4.1 SSc4.2 SSc4.3 SSc4.4 SSc5.1 SSc5.2 SSc6.1 SSc6.2 SSc7.1 SSc7.2 SSc8 EQPR1 EQPR2 EQc1 EQc2 EQc3.1 EQc3.2 EQc4.1 EQc4.2 EQc4.3 EQc4.4 EQc5 EQc6.1 EQc6.2 EQc7.1 EQc7.2 EQc8.1 EQc8.2 EAPR1 EAPR2 EAPR3 EAc1 EAc2 EAc3 EAc4 EAc5 EAc6 IDc1 IDc2