SOLAR SYSTEM by DILLON MARYOTT Our solar system also has a dwarf planet. Our solar system has eight planets.
SUN The core of the sun can reach a temperture of 27,000,ooo degrees Fahrenheit. Our sun is a star.
MERCURY Mercury is about the same size as earths moon. Mercury is closest to the sun.
VENUS Venus is about the same size as earths moon. Venus is second from the sun.
EARTH Earth is third from the sun. Earth is the only planet that can support life at all.
MARS Mars is called the red planet because it looks really red from earth. Mars has huge dust storms that can last for months.
ASTEROID BELT The asteroid belt is made out of rocks floating in space. The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.
JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in are solar system. Jupiter has at least 63 moons.
SATURN Saturn rings are made out of ice, dust and rock. Saturn has at least 31 moons.
URANUS Uranus is a gas planet. Uranus is tilted on it’s completely side.
NEPTUNE Neptune is the windiest planet. Neptune has at least 13 moons.
PLUTO Pluto is a dwarf planet. Pluto has a rocky surface.
COMETS Most comets are less than 6 miles across. Comets are made out of rock ,frozen gas ,ice.
EARTH’S MOON Our moon is the only moon ever to be walked on by humans. Our moon revolves around the earth.
STARS Stars can be blue,red,yellow and orange Stars are made of super heated gases .