Agenda EPI Suite Modules EPI Suite Market Leadership New v6.0 Features EPI Suite Pro EPI Suite Classic EPI Suite Lite Custom Services Competitive Analysis
EPI Suite Modules EPI (Electronic Personal Identification) Suite is comprised of 6 modules to: Design cards Enroll people into the system Print reports Import information from 3rd party databases and file systems Automatically migrate data from older EPI Suite versions Modify the EPI Suite database structure for systems integration
EPI Suite Market Leadership More than 10,000 copies sold Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and German (6.0 versions TBD) Tested with leading peripherals to ensure compatibility Based on open standards (TWAIN, ODBC, OLE, XML) Operable with Oracle 9i, MSDE, SQLServer 2000 and Access 2000/2002 databases
EPI 6.0 Version Features EPIFaceFinder During image capture, EPI Suite automatically finds, centers and crops the face Ensures consistent photos from person to person Based on a sophisticated eye finding algorithm
EPI 6.0 Version Features EPIQuickPix Custom driver for the CCD2000 camera Custom driver for the Olympus 4000z camera Capture images with a single click or tap of the keyboard PC-controlled camera features including brightness, zoom, lighting and flash Automatically included with EPI Suite v6.0
EPI Suite Pro For large organizations with 10,000 or more employees Design, create, manage and control multiple IDs per person on a network Base Package: $3,295 Lan Station: $1,995 Lan Station NCP: $895
EPI Suite Pro Features for Fast, Easy Enrollment Launch the card design module from the enrollment module Right-click to add new enrollment fields Display the active database in the title bar to ensure you have the right database and card layout Display image date/time stamp to determine if it is the most current Pick list of predefined magnetic stripe encoders
EPI Suite Pro Features for Fast, Easy Enrollment – Cont. Select and view card layouts with a thumbnail preview Sample images, databases and layouts for multiple vertical markets Guard station mode for enhanced physical security
EPI Suite Pro Design Features Single- and dual-sided card design Variety of card sizes – CR-80, CR-100, Custom, Lip, Flush Place bar codes on K plane Visual placeholders and print exclusion areas for Smart chips and magnetic stripes Color control for plastic, backgrounds, fonts, fill and line colors Variety of drawing objects Lines, rectangles, round rectangles, ellipses, polygons, text, static/dynamic images, bar codes, secure micro text Align, distribute, flip and rotate objects Zoom and snap to grid
EPI Suite Pro Design Features – Cont. Conditional display reduces the number of card designs to manage Assign database fields to magnetic stripes and bar codes Import or export card backgrounds Fade: whitewash an image by increasing its brightness Transparency: blend an image with its background for a see-through effect Comes with built-in sample images Access all object properties in one mouse-click Displays the active database in the title bar Automatically resizes layouts for the destination printer
EPI Suite Pro Design Features – Cont. PDF417 and Datastrip bar codes Ideal for government, library, airport, voter registration, jail and driver license applications If biometrics and text are combined on the bar code, customization of application-specific data structures and readers is available Requires customization to store biometric and image data Code 128, Mod 43 bar codes Ideal for health care applications
EPI Suite Pro Powerful Credential Management Import and export person, card and image information in batches Add cards in batches Update and delete card and person information in batches Accommodates having more than one card per person Eliminates having to duplicate person’s information on each card type Enables users to more easily manage multiple cards for multiple people Reduces database size and data entry errors
EPI Suite Pro Card Management Statuses Ensures all cards are accounted for Card Re-print rules for valid, invalid, printed, lost, stolen, unprinted and disabled cards Card coding to ensure uniqueness
EPI Suite Pro Simple, Fast Data Entry and Retrieval 15 user-definable place holders to store photos, fingerprints and signatures User-defined field names and field types Pick lists to reduce data entry errors Editable pick lists to reduce data entry Read-only fields Validation rules (between a certain range, etc.)
EPI Suite Pro Simple, Fast Data Entry and Retrieval – Cont. Flexible query options Complex Simple fill in the blank options for high volume enrollment applications Save and reuse queries from last enrollment project Delete queries Set a sort order
EPI Suite Pro Card Encoding Flexible Image Capture Internal and external magstripe and smart chip encoder support Configurable encoder strings Custom dll required for smartchip encoder Bar code card reader configuration Flexible Image Capture Configurable image name and aspect ratio Store images inside the database or outside the database Configurable image compression Twain, direct (requires plug-in) or load from file Watermarking (custom project)
EPI Suite Pro User Types for Enhanced Security Viewer User Type Read-only access to admit cardholders into secure areas – cannot print cards Print Clerk User Type Print-only capabilities – cannot edit the database Change card statuses with password-protected supervisor authorization Clerk User Type Create and save database records and images; query the database; print cards Edit saved information and update card statuses with password-protected supervisor authorization
EPI Suite Pro User Types for Enhanced Security – Cont. Supervisor User Account Create, modify and delete records; print cards; change card status; set up card formats Administrator User Account Delete database records, print cards, change card statuses, and set up card formats Customize the enrollment application, configure hardware, maintain user accounts
EPI Suite Pro Integration Tools Manual Import and Export OLE Automation Programming hooks to control EPI Suite from another application Print cards, login, query the EPI database, capture images, import/export, close and open the enrollment application Look up data in external databases and add it to the EPI Suite database Useful for integrating with 3rd party applications or adding card printing to virtually any DB application Used to add background checking, watermarking, encryption, notifications
EPI Suite Pro Administration and Reports Database Utilities Reports Field modification Importer (CSV, ODBC databases) Updater Reports Card details by format Cards printed by date Cards reprinted by card code Image statistics Person, image and card details People missing card formats or images Can be customized using Access 2000
EPI Suite Classic For mid-sized companies with 1,000-10,000 records Design, create and manage multiple IDs per person on one workstation For companies who need network backup, more than one image, or are on a limited budget MSRP – $1,995 U.S.
EPI Suite Classic All the features as EPI Suite Pro, except: Stores 5 images, rather than 15 No 2D bar codes No OLE automation No conditional displays No smartchip encoding No discounted LAN stations
EPI Suite Lite For cost-conscious organizations who need fewer than 1,000 records and only one card per person Single workstation MSRP – $995 U.S. (5.5 was $895)
EPI Suite Lite All the features as EPI Suite Pro, except: Stores 3 images, rather than 15 No 2D bar codes No OLE automation No conditional display No smartchip encoding Not networkable No ODBC database No batched processes No transparency or fading design features No logs
EPI Suite Support Languages Site License Evaluation Version v5.0 French (European), Spanish (Latin America), Arabic, German Translated user guide – administrator guide only in English Site License Requires special order – see discount guidelines Keyless or keyed versions available Evaluation Version No dynamic bar codes Prints samples only Limited to 25 records Keyless