“NOT” All About Me BY: Cole Kleszcz
My Dream Name Felipe George Brian
Where you don’t live I would live in New York because it is a cool place and it snows there I would not want to live in Compton
“UN- Career” Choice I would never be a worker at McDonalds because it doesn’t make that much money
That’s Not My Kind of Entertainment The worst movie I ever saw was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs The worst T.V show ever made is the Telli Tabbies The worst song is Baby from Justin Beaber
Sports Soccer is the most boring sport to watch Soccer is the most boring sport to play because you just run back and forth on the field
Reading The worst book I have ever read is Twighlight because it is so long
Food The worst home made food was sushi. The restaurant I will never eat at anymore is the Black Angus
Shopping I would never shop in Macys because it is all weird stuff in there