Not All About ME!!! By: Bradley Prizer
My Dream Name CharlesJeremiahTyrone
Were don’t you live? I would want to live in Hollywood because all of movie stars would go there and I could meet some of them. I would want to live in Hollywood because all of movie stars would go there and I could meet some of them. The one place in the world I would not want to live in is New York because there are already a lot of people that live there.
Your “Un career” choice The job that I would not want to be is be a teacher because I’m not good at teaching people.
That’s not my kind of entertainment! The worst movie I ever saw was cloudy with a chance of meat balls. The worst TV show I ever saw was Pokemon. The type of music that bothers me the most is country.
Sports The worst sport that I have watched is golf because it makes me want to fall asleep. The worst sport to participate in is soccer because it is really boring.
Reading The worst book I have read is Cat in the hat because it is really weird.
Food A typical home made meal I hate is meatloaf. The one restaurant I will never eat at is McDonalds because it is icky.
Shopping The store I will never shop in it Victoria Secrets because it has all girl stuff and it’s weird.