L ITERACY the ability to read and write.
L ITERACY Media the ability to read and write. complex combinations of text, images and sounds…
It uses an inquiry-based instructional model that encourages people to ask questions about what they watch, see and read. M EDIA LITERACY (ML) Messages accessing analyzing evaluating creating ML provides tools to help people critically analyze messages to detect propaganda, censorship and bias.
M EDIA LITERACY - the ability to critically consume and create many kinds of media -
D ECONSTRUCTION One of the most important media literacy skills Closely examining and “taking apart” media messages to understand how they work. It can expose the point of view of media makers. It can reveal how the media maker put together the message using words, images, sounds, design, and other elements. It can expose the point of view of media makers There is no one “correct” way to deconstruct a media message. We each have our own interpretation. Just be ready to explain it.
D ECONSTRUCTION 1 Core Concept: All media is constructed. C O N S T R U C T I N G T H E C O M M E R C I A L The foundationThe frameThe windows and doorsThe walls VIEWING : H O U SE H I P PO (Construct Reality) As you watch this commercial, think about what the producer had in mind when it was constructed for you. C LOSURE Turn to a neighbor and explain what you think the term, “construct reality” means. Share several examples, making the point that the term actually means making something look real, even when it isn’t. House Hippo Interactive House Hippo Commercial
D ECONSTRUCTION 2 1.Who paid and why? 2.Who is the target audience? 3.Is a lifestyle presented, and is it glamorized? 4. What is the text? What is the subtext/message? 5. What values are presented? Are they healthy or unhealthy? Are people being stereotyped? 6. What persuasion techniques are used?persuasion techniques 7. What are the untold stories?
S TUDENTS ’ W ORK Think about the story that wasn’t told.
S TUDENTS ’ COUNTER A D Original Ad Draft 1 Draft 2
Ad DecoderAd Decoder Turn the pages in this interactive magazine and learn about the messages behind the ads you see every day. Don't Buy It. Advertising Tricks | PBS KIDS GO!Don't Buy It. Advertising Tricks | PBS KIDS GO! encourages young people, especially those 9-11 years old, to think critically about Advertising Tricks. Effective Advertising- influencing the world Thinkquest Effective Advertising- influencing the world Thinkquest (2007 ThinkQuest International) Learn about the world of advertising, how an advertisement is made, what consumers and experts think about advertisements and advertising and what makes a good advertisement.
S TANDARDS Language ArtsSocial StudiesHealth/Prevention Language Arts LISTENING & SPEAKING 4.A.4b Apply listening skills in practical settings (e.g., classroom note taking, interpersonal conflict situations, giving and receiving directions, evaluating persuasive messages). READING 1.B.4b Analyze, interpret and compare a variety of texts for purpose, structure, content, detail and effect. RESEARCH 5.B.2a Determine the accuracy, currency and reliability of materials from various sources. 5.B.4a Choose and evaluate primary and secondary sources (print and nonprint) for a variety of purposes. LITERATURE 2.B.4a Critique ideas and impressions generated by oral, visual, written and electronic materials. 2.A.4a Analyze and evaluate the effective use of literary techniques (e.g., figurative language, allusion, dialogue, description, symbolism, word choice, dialect) in classic and contemporary literature representing a variety of forms and media. WRITING 3.C.1b Create media compositions or productions which convey meaning visually for a variety of purposes. Social Studies STATE GOAL 14 MS-HS 14.D.3 Describe roles and influences of individuals, groups and media in shaping current Illinois and United States public policy (e.g., general public opinion, specific interest groups, formal parties, media) STATE GOAL 18 LATE ELEM. 18.A.2 Explain ways in which language, stories, folk tales, music, media and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture Health/Prevention HEALTH STATE GOAL B.2 Describe how individuals and groups influence the health of individuals (e.g., peer pressure, media and advertising State Standards Which Include Elements of Media Literacy ILLINOIS Grades 6, 7 & 8 Source Site
RESOURCES Center for Media Literacy Center for Media Literacy New Mexico Media Literacy Project New Mexico Media Literacy Project Cable in the Classroom Media Smart Cable in the Classroom Media Smart TV & Me TV & Me hamjo's media-literacy Bookmarks hamjo's media-literacy Bookmarks