PIEDMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT The Budget Context October 23, 2009
BUDGET FACTS Total budget = $29+ million Total number of enrolled students = 2,549 State and federal dollars are allocated to school districts per pupil Most districts in CA are receiving 18.3% less in State Revenue Limit funding Budget reflects the District’s priorities: – Offer breadth & depth of program opportunities – Attract and retain the most highly qualified personnel possible with fair and competitive compensation
REVENUES Adopted Budget
PERSONNEL COSTS 90%Pays for PEOPLE 296 Full-time equivalent (FTE) employees 173 Certificated Employees 110 Classified Employees 13 Piedmont School Administrators
AVERAGE ANNUAL COMPENSATION COSTS Salary + Benefits Average Total Cost per 1 Full-time Employee CERTIFICATED STAFF CLASSIFIED STAFF PIEDMONT SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS $90,000$40,000 - $75,000$125,000 Teachers Counselors Librarians Curriculum Specialists Site Tech Specialists Para educators * Clerical Support Staff Custodial Staff Maintenance Staff Site Administrators District Administrators * Mostly part-time
ADDITIONAL COST INFORMATION $107,000 Estimated savings per one reduced Day of Instruction $ 18,000 Estimated Cost/Savings per One Class Section (6-12)
PUSD REVENUE LIMIT HISTORY $5086 $5323 $5277 $5585 $5837 $6166 $5682 $6427 $4995 $6459 $5273 $6607 $5394 Revised 10/29/09
$26.1M$26.0M$26.4M$27.0M $3.5M$3.2M$3.3M$3.4M EXPENDITURES – Growth over 4 years = 2.63% $29.6M$29.2M$29.7M$30.4M
REVENUE SOURCES $29.3M$28.4M$28.0M$28.3M $14.3M$12.5M$13.3M$13.6M $11.6M$12.5M$12.1M$12.2M $3.4M $2.3M $2.6M
CURRENT LOCAL BUDGET INFO PUSD received one-time funds to use : $900KFederal Stimulus (ARRA) funds $515KFederal Stimulus (IDEA) funds PUSD is authorized to receive: $997KLocal Emergency Parcel Tax funds in 2009, 2010, 2011 PUSD budget is balanced for % Reserve = including required 3%
BOTTOM LINE PUSD must identify at least $1 Million in reductions during to balance budgets for and to maintain a positive certification as part of multi-year projections. Board has made explicit the need to address an ongoing $1.3+ million shortfall in funding that will exist once federal stimulus and emergency parcel tax fund authorizations expire.
INITIAL LIST OF CATEGORIES To discuss … refine … and prioritize …
DEPTH & BREADTH OF CURRICULM Support wide range of relevant offerings & opportunities for all students, including core academic program plus electives Current Offerings Math Fine arts Science Language arts Music AP/Honors courses Drama PE/athletics Technology Recent Additions to HS Sports medicine Biotech Honors physics Honors statistics AP European history Web design
ADVANCE CURRICULUM TO FUTURE Expand current curriculum (eg., world languages, science, technology, math) New delivery models (eg.,on-line learning) etc. On-line learning grant from PEF for alternative education program World languages currently offered as an elective beginning 2 nd semester of 7 th grade
EXPERIENCED & QUALIFIED TEACHERS & SUPPORT STAFF Recruit and retain experienced, qualified, diverse teachers & support staff by offering fair & competitive compensation & benefits Average Years Teaching15.2 Average Years in District10.6 Full Credential100% Very competitive compensation when compared to comparable unified districts in the area
TEACHER TIME OUTSIDE CLASSROOM Provide adequate time for teacher training, collaboration, lesson planning, reviewing student work & communicating w/ students & parents to support continuous improvement in teaching practices & student learning Teachers currently spend a part of each day to prepare and plan for classes (“Prep Time”) In addition there are: Staff development days Collaboration days Parent teacher conference days Opportunities to participate in workshops
PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TEACHING SUPPORT STAFF Provide for K-12 librarians, high school academic counselors, curriculum support specialists (eg., elementary reading, math, science), and classroom and library aides etc. With additional attention, students receive more individualized and/or specialized help addressing academic needs
K-12 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Maintain adequate school and district-wide administrative staff for providing leadership and management in the following areas: Curriculum Student Services Personnel Financial Facilities maintenance and use Construction/Bond Projects Communications & services to Parents/students/district/community
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Provide additional support services for students as needed including: Counseling Tutoring Gifted and Talented Education services Health and Wellness services Teaching Tolerance and Respect, etc.
CLASS SIZE Maintain or decrease the average number of students in class so teachers can provide more individualized attention. Average Class Size by Grade Level ( ) K-320: : :1
LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAY/YR Maintain or increase the amount of time students spend in school during the school year. Students attend school 180 days/yr which is the state mandated minimum Most grade levels exceed the required minimum number of minutes/year/grade
EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS Offer a wide range of extracurricular activities before and after school, including performing arts, athletics, etc. Teachers and coaches receive stipends to provide these extracurricular programs before and after school