Wind Break Irrigation By C. Prestwich
Soil water extraction by Plants
Irrigation Water Filtration
Flat Screen filter
Disk Filter
Furrow Irrigation
Furrow Placement for Surface Irrigation
Sprinkler Irrigation
Drip Irrigation Systems
Isometric view of Drip Hose
Plan View of Drip Irrigation
Emitters: Wetted Diameter, Spacing, & Number/Tree
What exactly is P w ? P w is the average horizontal area wetted in the top 6 to 12 inches of the root zone as a percentage of the total crop area. (NEH 623, Ch. 7) For a lone tree P w =A w /A rz AwAw A rz emitter Tree trunk Surface area wetted
Percent Wetted Area & Number of Emitters e= # of emitters/tree SeSe SpSp SwSw SrSr
Wetted diameter overlap