Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Seascape Golf Club
The LDC Framework Courses Modules Tasks New courses Existing courses Task Skills Instruction Results Prompt Rubric Scoring exemplars
Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing From Sources Academic Vocabulary -EngageNY.org Argumentation/Analysis Template Task (ELA, Social Studies, Science) (Insert question)______________________ After reading ____________________(literature or informational texts), write _____________(essay or substitute) that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. L2 and L3 are ways to make the task more challenging – remember to take into consideration what is appropriate given the skills ladder for your given grade level. Once you fill in the blanks, the Template Task turns into a Teaching Task.
Percentage of Students Meeting or Exceeding Standard Spring 2013 Inquiry Results for NTC LDC Participating Teachers
1. Start with the CCSS 2. Focus on ONE strand of the LDC rubric 3. Practice revising the tasks From the Support Provider From the Teacher 1. Start with intentional, focused analysis of student data – strengths and areas of growth 2. Engaging tasks with real- world connections/implications 3. Celebrate the successes
LITERACY DESIGN COLLABORATIVE Contact Information Cynthia Balthasar – Director of the SC/SV NTP Sophia Orgish- 9 th grade English/10 th grade Speech at Ceiba High Melissa Roberts- Mentor SC/SV NTP