Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Seascape Golf Club Technology Integration & CCSS/NGSS Pajaro Valley High Pancho Rodriguez, Rob Hoffman, & Dutch Tessier
21 Century Classroom o 1:1 classroom set of iPads (35 devices) o SMART Board, Doc Camera, surround sound with mic
Technology as a Tool Differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of my students o Station activities where at each station students were using their device differently to learn content: reading, watching, listening, playing, or creating Frequently assess students to know where they are in achieving the learning goals
Technology as a Tool o Pre-assessments: KWL using whiteboard app, drawing/writing, exploring apps o Formative assessment (with feedback): online discussion, white board app, GoogleForm quiz, class poll o Summative assessment: quiz, digital story, movie, essay, presentation
Formative Assessment – Polleverywhere.com
Use student provided devices to complete research, formulate and create a final research product. Use various surveys to help students develop a personal inquiry. Provide research verification sheets to guide students in finding legitimate, verifiable sources. Students present final research projects to the class.
Science & Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems o Real time questions using Backchannel Today’s Meet o Exit slips to ask questions about daily learning goal Google Forms Developing & Using Models o Illustrate and explain models using apps & digital stories
Science & Engineering Practices Constructing explanations and designing solutions o Online discussions with peer responses Engaging in argument from evidence o Digital story &/or iMovie creation Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information o GoogleDoc Essay, online discussion, presentations
Cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources presented in different media or formats.
Gather information from multiple authoritive print and digital sources using advanced searches effectively. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective. Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings.
Immediate or more efficient feedback given to students to process and reflect on daily learning goals Increased engagement in content for the individual student and group interaction Access to various forms of content reinforcement, including updated scientific articles/literature
Through creating digital stories, students, especially Developing Bilingual students (ELL), are using writing, academic vocabulary, diagrams/models, and speaking to reinforce content Creating permanent digital portfolios of student work Developing responsible & respectful digital citizens
High engagement as students are able to develop inquiries based on their own interests. Development of inquiry and self-reflection process. Experimentation with and analysis of different presentation methods to determine which best suits the information being presented.
Increased confidence in the learning and presentation process as they become involved in authentic self-directed learning. Peer to peer learning as students are more engaged in information being researched and presented by their classmates
Find a Focus o Why do you want to use technology? o How do Admin/Teachers want to use technology? o There a too many tools available, be specific. Implement new tools or strategies slowly o One or two at a time Take risks and try new “tools” o It probably won’t work as planned the first time o You and your students will grow Ask for help & advice
Be patient with students and work with them individually to develop meaningful and substantial inquiries. Let students experiment with different topics, and technologies; allow them to fail, adjust, and switch topics, or presentation methods as they see fit. Provide specific deadlines for research and presentations and provide tools to help them monitor their progress.
Online Discussions o Collaborize Classroom o School Loop Digital Stories o SonicPics o Puppet Pals o EduCreations* o Sock Puppets o Toontastic o Voice Thread o iMovie Student Feedback o Google Forms (quizzes) o Polleverywhere.com o Socrative o Today’s Meet Presentations o Keynote o Prezi o iMoive
Dutch's resources: Please contact via for graphic organizers, student interest surveys, and research verification sheets. Contact Information Pancho Rodriguez Rob Dutch