Welcome to 6th Grade! Mrs. Steinmetz
Back to School Night Dorothy Steinmetz, 12th teaching year; 8th year at Deer Canyon. The other two 6th grade teachers are Mrs. Zomer and Mrs. Uraga.
Classroom Schedule (subject to change) 8:30 - 9:00 –Morning business, DOL, DMR Standards Plus, Journal 9:00 - 9:48- Writing 9:48 - 10:06 – Recess 10:10 – 11:00– Reading 11:00 – 11:45 Math 11:45 – 12:15 Grammar/spelling 12:15 – 1:00 - Lunch 1:00 – 1:20 SSR 1:20 - 2:15 Center time 2:15 – 2:45 –Science/social studies
PE-Tues. 1:00-2:00 P.M. Music Thur. 1:25 – 2:05 (for first part of year. Band (Mrs. Wilt) Mon. Brass and woodwinds 1:05 – 1:45 Percussion 1:45 – 2:25 - Fri. 9:05-9:45 or 10:10-10:50 or 10:50-11:30 or 12:30-1:10 Library- Friday 9:00 – 9:30 Computer- Wednesdays 9:00 – 9:45 Early dismissal every Wed. at 1:30
Curriculum 6th Grade Curriculum Math - Decimals, graphing, integers, algebra, ratios, proportion, percents, fractions, etc. Language Arts-Comprehension, vocabulary development, fluency and accuracy Social Studies-Eastern civilization, Egypt, Asia, India, Rome, Greece Science-Earth’s structure, energy and ecology – Outdoor Science Camp (also known as 6th grade camp) PE- Once a week, Tuesday (need comfortable shoes) Art-We have an art teacher that comes in once a month. Band (optional)-twice a week. Students are required to complete the work they miss while at band.
Testing Test notification: Standardized Testing-Spring (April) Students are required to record upcoming tests in their binders. Test alerts, requiring your signature will notify you of an up coming test. (2 points are added to test score when returned on the test date) Routine tests, such as spelling tests, will not have test alerts. Standardized Testing-Spring (April) Benchmark tests-End of each trimester (Oct., Feb., May)
Grading Standard grading scale- A(100-90) B(89-80) C(79-70) D(69-60) F(59-0). Grading for Late Work L1 – receive 70% on work turned in 1-3 days late L2 – receive 65% on work turned in 4 – 6 days late L3 – receive 60% on work turned in 7 – 9 days late L4 – receive 55% on work turned in 10 – 12 days late L5 – receive 50% for work turned in 13 days or more late
Homework Homework will be given Monday-Thursday. Weekend homework may include incomplete assignments, missing, late or absent work and an occasional project. If there is an emergency, email me or write a note. Consequences will still apply, but I will allow some other special circumstances. Soccer practice or “I had to go some where” is not an excuse I am willing to accept! Absent work is the child’s responsibility to make up. I will work to have it ready for them upon their return, but it is still their responsibility. Three days per absence will be given to make up the work. Anything after that is considered late. Students in band will not receive special consideration for class work missed. They will need to be responsible and ask peers what they missed. Students will be supplied with a minder-binder to keep track of their daily assignments. A daily signature/initial will ensure you are aware of the work that is required of your child.
Academic Progress and Communication Once a week you should check your child’s progress online. By doing so, you will be able to keep track of tests, quizzes, homework and overall progress. (Be sure to hang onto all papers until you see them posted on the computer.) Deficiency notices go out 3 times a year, usually about half way through the trimester. A deficiency notice means that your child is receiving a “D” or lower in any subject area. Communication with me - via email- best response time, phone, note or appointment. My contact information: email: dsteinmetz@alsd.k12.ca.us ; Phone: (909) 484-5030 Communication with you - test alerts, deficiency notices, email, phone calls home, or notes in your child’s minder binder. Conferences are in November, beginning Thursday, November 5th.
How to check grades online Alta Loma School District has a website structure that is accessible to all parents in the district. Best accessed through the Internet Explorer – (Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc.) Type in address: www.alsd.k12.ca.us At the top of the site, for school selection click “Deer Canyon” Select Teacher Websites and then click “Steinmetz, Dorothy” Welcome to my site, click “Grades” on the left Click on section that says “check grade reports here” Type in your child’s last name and password Click submit and your child’s grades should appear
Discipline School: Classroom: We are now in our 6th year of our school wide discipline plan. We are connecting it to Character Counts! Classroom: Recordings– Students will be recorded for minor infractions in the classroom, such as talking, getting out of their seat during instruction, etc. They will receive one warning, then be recorded. More serious offences such as: disrespect, hitting, throwing something at another student, etc. will result in a call home, office visit and/or loss of recesses. Chewing gum at school is an offense, and Mrs. Rachielles will be notified, and most likely your child will receive detention from her as well. Detention from me, when needed, will be held on Fridays. Loss of recess – missing or incomplete assignments, taking up to much class time unnecessarily, etc.. (Bathroom and snack are allowed during this time.)
Discipline Continued We will have Friday Fun every other week. Students will write Friday Fun in their agenda on the Friday it will occur. They will have to have at least one letter left to participate in Friday Fun How a letter is lost: One letter per missing or late assignment Agenda not filled out Agenda not signed Behavior issues (i.e. play ground citations, recorded, office visit, ect.)
Rewards Positive acknowledgement Positive Pass to the principal Good ticket – being ready to work, sitting quietly when others are talking, doing something nice without being asked, etc. These tickets are used to purchase items such as a dry erase marker, pens and other various items. Or the tickets can be placed in the raffle jar, (raffles drawn on non Friday Fun days) Winners receive a small candy, pencil, etc. Sticker cards Students can receive up to 4 stickers each week. Requirements are: no missing/late work; in class and on time; no recording, citations, office visits; minder binder filled out and signed. Once card is completed, student may choose a candy bar, homework late pass, etc.
Attendance Please try to have your child present daily, and on time to maximize learning time. Studies have shown, a student who is regularly at school and on time is well prepared for the work force. If your child is absent, it would be beneficial to request their class/home work. Please do so before 11:00 A.M. All absences need to be cleared with the office.
Field Trips Outdoor Science School, i.e. camp, is our main field trip of the year. This year it has been scheduled for December 11- 13, and will cost approx. $260. Scholarships are available, but are limited and need to be applied for through an application process. The scholarships will not cover the entire cost of camp. There will be a fundraiser or two to help cut your cost. Our goal is to get 100% of all students to attend camp. Students not attending camp are required to attend school as usual. End of the year activities will depend on the amount of parent involvement. Volunteers are needed! Let me know if you are interested by emailing me or sending in a note with your child.
Book orders Book orders will be sent home every other month. NO CASH for the order. Please write a personal check to Scholastic Club or Arrow Book Club. Books can also be ordered on line at https://orders.scholastic.com/GYF79
What can parents do? A lot! Check and sign your child’s minder binder each night. Sign it only when you have seen the completed work. Do not sign it if it is blank. Read silently with your child each day for at least 20 minutes. Check the website and monitor you child’s progress. Don’t always trust that your child is monitoring their own progress. Email or call me any time you have a question or concern.
I am looking forward to making Thank You! Please complete the forms in the folder and place them in the orange basket on the table. Be sure to sign in at the back before you leave. Oh, and don’t forget to grab a sticky note with one of the classroom wishes! If you feel the need to meet with me about certain concerns, please e-mail or call me to make an appointment. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about your child’s final year at Deer Canyon. I am looking forward to making this year memorable.