8 th Grade Advisement Class of 2016 Parent Night March 6 th 7:00-8:30 Counselor Webpage:
Required Freshman Classes English English 9 with or without English Support (1 or 2 periods) English 9 with or without English Support (1 or 2 periods) ELD with or without English 9 (1 or 2 periods) ELD with or without English 9 (1 or 2 periods)Math Algebra Readiness with or without Math Support (1 or 2 periods) Algebra Readiness with or without Math Support (1 or 2 periods) Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Alg 2/Trig Alg 2/Trig PE 9
Additional Freshman Class Options Science Biology (Enrollment in Geometry and Teacher Recommendation from MJHS) Biology (Enrollment in Geometry and Teacher Recommendation from MJHS) Science 1 Science 1 World Language Recommend a score of at least 325 or higher on the CST English Language Arts test and a 2.0 GPA. Recommend a score of at least 325 or higher on the CST English Language Arts test and a 2.0 GPA. Spanish I Spanish I Spanish II (Teacher Recommendation from MJHS) Spanish II (Teacher Recommendation from MJHS) French I French I Social Science Elective Geography/World Cultures Geography/World Cultures Additional Electives (1-3 depending on over all schedule) Visual & Performing Art (VPA) Visual & Performing Art (VPA) Industrial Technology Industrial Technology Computer Applications II Computer Applications II 6 Periods All freshman are required to sign up for 6 classes. All freshman are required to sign up for 6 classes. Extra Curricular Activities AHS offers a variety of sports, clubs and volunteer opportunities. It is never too early to get started. AHS offers a variety of sports, clubs and volunteer opportunities. It is never too early to get started.
SUBJECT ALHAMBRA GRADUATION (230 credits minimum) UNIVERSITY OF CA and CA STATE UNIVERSITY (Also known as A-G requirements) English 4 years One class at each grade level, can be a combo of ELD & English 4 years All must be College Prep Classes Fine Arts 1 year ORAND World Language 1 year 2 years-(Same Language) (3 years recommended for UC) Mathematics 3 years: 1 year Algebra 2 years of additional Math 3 years: Alg. 1, Geometry & Alg. 2 (4 years recommended for UC) Physical Education 2 years: 1 year must be PE 9 not required Science 2 years: 1 year Life Science 1 year Physical Science 2 years Lab Science: 2 years Lab Science: 1 year Biology 1 year Biology 1 year Chemistry or Physics (3 Year recommended for UC) recommended for UC) Social Science 3 years: 3 years: 1 year Modern World 1 year U.S. History ½ year Civics, ½ year Economics 2 years: 1 yr. Modern World 1 yr. U.S. History 2 years: 1 yr. Modern World 1 yr. U.S. History Electives 8 classes (16 semesters) 1 year College Prep Elective from: English, Adv. Math, Lab Science, Social Sciences, Computers, Arts, History, World Language, Etc. California HS Exit Exam (CAHEE) The test is taken in 10th grade and students must pass both the English and Math portions. not required
Online Scheduling for School Year March 13 to March 23 You will need: –Web Address: AHS Home Page: –Student User Name: (Used to log on to school computers) –Student User Name: (Used to log on to school computers) – Student/Password: (Used to log on to school computers) – Course Catalog for (Found online only) – 9th grade course planning guide (Given to student) –4-year course planning guide (Given to student) –Parent/Guardian for Advice/Review Changes To Locked Classes –PE 9, English and Math will be locked in based on recommendations. –If a student wants to take a lower level class than they have been recommended for (IE Algebra instead of Geometry), sign up as an additional class and then we will remove the higher level class. –Do not sign up for an upper level class if the student has not been recommended as it will be removed from their schedule. Alternate Electives: –Be sure to provide an alternative choice for Biology in case the recommendations change. –Be sure to provide alternate choice for each elective class chosen. If you do not, we will. Computers are available for student use at the Writing Lab and the Library during school hours and immediately after school each day.
Websites of interest AHS Counseling Web page index.htmlhttp:// index.htm AHS Webstore Career Interest Inventory College Search