PC Deployment, Maintenance, Replacement & Discard VUSD Technological Services Jerry Walkowiak, Director Chuck Boone, Systems Manager
Inventory Count Elementary = 1652 Middle Schools = 615 High Schools = 1887 Administrative = 500 Total = 4654 Present workstation count: Instructional counts from CBEDS 10/01, Administrative counts approximated.
Inventory Age Ages of workstations widely vary, from early 1990’s vintage to new. Approximately 1,450 workstations were purchased in FY Using SMS Inventory on Administrative workstations…
Inventory Age 5 % have CPU speeds of less than 100 MHz 20 % are between 100 and 299 MHz 18 % are between 300 and 499 MHz 48 % are between 500 and 999 MHz 9 % are over 1 GHz
Inventory Age Most school sites have Instructional network servers less than 3 years old. All, excluding a few, Administrative network servers are more than 6 years old!
Repair Calls for Service In the last year, 400 service requests were logged into our tracking system. These are mostly serious or long-term repairs. Most calls are not logged - like telephone support and the “shanghaied” technician.
Repair Calls for Service No tracking data is available for the DHS technicians, and the site- funded tech. Response time varies widely, from immediate resolution to several weeks, typically due to need and “whine-factor.”
Dedicated Support Manpower 4 Microcomputer / HW techs 3 Digital HS technicians 1 Roaming Microcomputer / HW tech 0 Software support / technicians Each tech is responsible for over 660 workstations!
Dedicated Support Time & Money All technicians are full time 8 technicians x 40 hours per week = 320 hrs/wk Cost: Approximately $387,000 / year
Dedicated Support Level of Support We feel that the present level of support is good with the resources presently available. Support could be much better with additional hardware and software technicians.
Non-Dedicated Support TST’s Instructional Aides Teachers Parent Volunteers Administrators Some contracted services Additional Support comes from many places:
Non-Dedicated Support Frequently these types of support efforts take time away from personnel’s assigned, core duties. Sometimes the schools just aren’t coping…
User-Friendliness Technological Services and Purchasing processes are fairly well understood by those using the systems. Intranet tools are in place for support (documentation, downloads, tips) and requesting service.
Standards Well standardized on PC-Intel- Windows platform Workstations are purchased with 3 year parts & labor warranties. Performance level is usually slightly behind the “bleeding edge” to save money.
Recommendations Increase and maintain technical staff at a realistic ratio. Reinstate the Helpdesk / Software Support staff. Plan & fund workstation and server replacement cycles. Enforce and enhance standards – including locking down unnecessary workstation access.