common core state standards presentation Westhoff elementary school
A Message from our state superintendent, Dr. Tom Torlakson California will provide a world-class education for all students, from early childhood to adulthood. The Department of Education serves our state by innovating and collaborating with educators, schools, parents, and community partners. Together, as a team, we prepare students to live, work, and thrive in a highly connected world.
Why Now? Disparity of standards across states Student mobility Global competition Today’s jobs require different skills District Mobility –Common Standards, specific to a grade level, should allow students to travel between schools, districts and states and be exposed to the same content and expectations Global competition – CCSS were written to reflect the standards practiced by the top countries: Finland, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan among others “Re-teaching” of content across grade levels Preparing for jobs that don’t exist (21st Century Handout) Preparing for jobs that do exist
Common core Great cities video
Common Core State Standards A state-led movement initiated through the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers The CCSS help define the knowledge and skills all students need to succeed in college and careers. Expectations will be consistent for all students across the nation.
What are the benefits of the CCSS? Internationally benchmarked Student expectations are clear to parents, teachers, and the general public Allows for collaboration with other states on best practices, instructional materials, and professional development Reduces costs to the state
The Common Core State Standards To date, forty-six states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a consistent set of English language arts (ELA) and mathematics expectations that students need to meet to succeed in college and careers States have committed to implement the new standards by the 2014-15 school year This is an aggressive timeline that will require a strategy that draws on state policymakers, district and school officials, and classroom teachers to ensure a successful and efficient implementation and transition
Three stages of Common Core Awareness – Understanding the “Why” Getting into the standards and supporting documents Understanding the “shifts” Transition – Curriculum Development Curriculum Maps, Materials and Documents Sample Lessons Assessments Instructional Methodology Implementation Practice and Refinement
The Structure of the CCSS – English Language Arts The standards are comprised of a set of Anchor Standards that are the same across K-12 and organized around four strands: •Reading •Listening & Speaking •Writing •Language
Sample ELA Anchor Standard for Reading 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text Kindergarten:1. With prompting and support, the student will ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 11-12thGrade: 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
6 Shifts in English language arts/literacy 1. Balancing Informational Text and Literacy Text 2. Knowledge in the Disciplines 3. Staircase of Complexity 4. Text-based Answers 5. Writing from Sources 6. Academic Vocabulary
Math shifts 1. Focus 2. Coherence 3. Fluency 4. Deep understanding 5. Application 6. Dual Intensity
21st Century Learning 21st Century Skills will be the highly visible aspect of the change in the classroom WVUSD focusing on the 5C’s Critical Thinking Collaboration Creativity Communication Citizenship
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Chart
We’ve already begun! Kindergarten and First Grade began implementing the Common Core State Standards at every site in 2012 Transitional Kindergarten has developed a report card that mirrors the CCSS. Grades 9, 10, 11 English Language Arts teachers have new textbooks written to the CCSS. Staff Development has taken place for teachers at all levels.
2013-2014 Implementation This year: 2nd-12th grades have begun to implement the CCSS standards Focus on instructional strategies using: 5 C’s (Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Citizenship) Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Shifts in ELA and math Integration of content areas in units
Westhoff moves forward. . . K/1 teachers are in year two of CCSS implementation. Grades 2-12 have begun. Common Core Teaching Strategies are linked to teacher’s professional growth plans. Teachers attend Staff and professional development provided by our district office. Staff Meeting time is allotted to CCSS. Grade level Common Core days provided for cross vertical articulation.
*Walnut Valley continues to provide in-depth workshops and all grade levels have been represented. *Last summer grade levels (district wide) participated in workshops developing Common Core units of study. *Technology has doubled in past 2 years. Thanks in part to Community Club’s support. We now have an iPad cart for each grade level.
*Teachers are providing opportunities for students to utilize the 5 C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Citizenship across the curriculum. *Last year Westhoff participated in a pilot SBAC assessment in our third grade classes. *Teachers are: *Leading high level, text based discussions. *Focusing on process, not just content *Creating assignments for real audiences and with real purpose *Teaching argument, not persuasion *Increasing text complexity
Smarter Balanced Assessment consortium (SBAC) SBAC will replace STAR/CST testing except in fifth, seventh and eleventh grade Science. California schools will field test the SBAC this year. Students in grade 3 – 11 will participate in SBAC. “Testing of the test” will allow experts to discern the accuracy and reliability of test questions before finalizing the assessment. No results will be reported this year.
Summary The Common Core State Standards are about transforming our educational system by preparing students with knowledge and skills to succeeding college and career ensuring consistent expectations for students across the country providing educators, parent and students with clear, focused guideposts encouraging a shift in thinking—a new way to approach teaching
Questions? For additional information, please go to Westhoff School Website has many Common Core parent resources -
Parent’s homework We encourage parents (and day care providers) to take the practice Smarter Balanced (SBAC) test. Go to your child’s grade level and see how the assessment differs from our paper pencil tests. The website is available on the California Department of Education website.
Thank you! “Kids don’t care how much we know. . .Unless they know how much we care!” Thank you for coming today and being partners with us in your child’s education.