S ECONDARY C OMMON C ORE I NSTITUTE M ATH L EAD T RAINING Shanon Cruz Jenny Kim Amber Hardy-Soto Kate Jenkins
ICE BREAKER Share the story of how you got your name. Summarize your learnings on the common core mathematical practices #1 and #3
ELA Instructional Shifts -Balancing Informational and Literary Text -Building knowledge in disciplines -Incorporating staircase of complexity -Engaging in text-based answers -Writing from sources -Using transferrable academic vocabulary ELA Instructional Shifts -Balancing Informational and Literary Text -Building knowledge in disciplines -Incorporating staircase of complexity -Engaging in text-based answers -Writing from sources -Using transferrable academic vocabulary MATH Instructional Shifts -Focus -Coherence -Rigor MATH Instructional Shifts -Focus -Coherence -Rigor ANCHOR STANDARDS K - 12 ANCHOR STANDARDS K - 12 CONTENT GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES K - 12 MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES K - 12 CONTENT GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS
These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. Phil Daro Video
5 © 2011 California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Mathematics Teacher Overview
Arranged by conceptual cluster (NOT by course): Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability
K–2 Addition and subtraction, measurement using whole number quantities 3–5 Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions 6 Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations 7 Ratios and proportional reasoning; arithmetic of rational numbers 8 Linear algebra Critical Focus Areas by Grade Level
Grade Shifts Developed by SCFIRD
Grade Shifts Developed by SCFIRD
LAUNCH, EXPLORE, SUMMARIZE Launch – Select and set up an equitable task, preview the math task collaboratively without solving it for students. Explore – Groups of students explore solution paths to the problem, teacher assesses student learning, questions, presses, and provides extensions to the problem. Summarize – Involve all students in making sense of the mathematical ideas related to the task and learning target.
EXEMPLARY L.E.S ACTIVITY How many school teachers? As you watch the video, jot down key thoughts on the Launch-Explore-Summarize sections of the LES template. Look for evidence of mathematical practices #1 and #3. Discuss with your table groups.
RESPONSIBILITIES AS A LEARNER Share your thinking with your group. When your group members share their thinking with you, you should be able to do one of the following: -Restate or paraphrase in your own words what they said; -Repeat exactly what they said; or -Ask a specific clarifying question.
Let’s do some math… Bucky the Badger
REVIEW AND REFLECT ON THE LESSON EXPERIENCE Turn and Talk: How might your experience as a learner in this lesson inform your own teaching? What connections can you make to previous Math PD?
RESOURCES Curriculum Maps Common Core Resource Maps Explorations Resource Books
RESOURCES Mathematical Tasks, Problems of the Month, Classroom videos o o Learnzillion Instructional Videos o Secondary Resource Page o (Access Code: 98GRH-4XJN9)
DAN MEYER’S LINKS : Dan Meyer’s Three-Act Math Tasks qyKM9d7ZYdEhtR3BJMmdBWnM2YWxWYVM1U WowTEE&gid=0 Dan Meyer’s 101 Questions Dan Meyer’s Blog
OTHER MATH VIDEO RESOURCES: Learn Zillion The Future Channel Teaching Channel Illustrative Mathematics Inside Mathematics NCTM Illuminations
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Middle School Flipbooks 6 th Grade Honors Resource Page (Access Code: BV2JT-FWZDT ) 8 th Grade Math Resource Page (Access Code: 7ZK9P-FNN6D ) High School Educreations
YOUR TURN Explore the online resources and use the Launch-Explore-Summarize template to plan a LES activity aligned to an unit of study..
ROLE & RESPONSIBILITY OF MATH LEADS Assist with the development of a school site Common Core Implementation Plan during the Summer Institute Attend meetings of the Common Core Implementation Team at the school site Become familiar with the Common Core Standards and curriculum documents Share best practices and learning from professional development with colleagues Read professional text/articles on Common Core implementation and share new learning with colleagues Assist with the facilitation of professional development for staff using district modules with the support of site administrators and Common Core Coaches Incorporate lesson study as a vehicle for team planning and embedded professional development (minimum of two lesson study teams per site) Facilitate the following activities (with the support of site administrators and Common Core Coaches) to assist with the implementation of the Common Core Standards: –Lesson and unit planning with content area/grade level teams –Analyzing data and student work –Creating and analyzing common formative assessment that are based on the Common Core Standards
REVIEW AND REFLECT ON DAY 3 What key concepts will you bring back to your site team tomorrow?